What is the first thing you eat to set yourself up for the your day ahead? Milk & cereal, bagel & cream cheese, coffee & donut, or dare I imagine – nothing because you are too busy running out the door?
I hate to be the one to break this news – but the whole milk and cereal option doesn’t give you the best bang for your buck. I know, because that was my breakfast of choice for YEARS! Even the ‘healthy’ cereals are super processed and sugar is high up on the ingredient list. This leaves you with a big rush of energy followed by a crash shortly after feeling hungry for something else, ideally in the carb & sugar family. The typical Standard American Diet (SAD) lacks the nutrients & vitamins you need to get yourself gracefully through the day. So let’s switch it up with nutrient dense foods that way you are less likely to crave and binge throughout the day.
Seek out FIBER – and anything that has fiber in it has a whole lot of other nutritious benefits and that is what we are after. Because when we are filled up from the goodies from nature we become better at listening to our bodies & taking good care of them.
You may be rushing out the door as it is and don’t have time to make your breakfast. I hear ya. Plan ahead! Make a batch of whatever for the week and grab & go.
Here are some ideas to revamp your breakfast routine – try it out and see if you notice any changes in your energy & clarity.
Avocado & Toast – great for a quick bite & easy prep
Quinoa Porridge – flavor it any way you’d like. Make a batch of quinoa on Sunday and scoop and season based on how you’re feelin’
Smoothie / Juice – great way to flood your body with the good stuff right away – experiment & drink up
Baked Oatmeal – great thing to make on Sunday and have for the whole week. Scoop & eat. Put in a mason jar for added convenience to take & dine at work.
I could go on & on but you get the idea.
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