I Promise To:
- Honor you as the temple of my soul
- Offer you healthy foods and drinks
- Realize that you deserve to be healthy
- Overcome the addictions that hurt you
- Love and appreciate you for what you do
- Accept that I have the power to heal you
- Adorn you with nice, comfortable clothes and shoes
- Realize that laughter, play, and rest help you feel good
- Exercise regularly and appropriately for my body type
- Accept you and be grateful for you just the way you are
- Listen to messages you are sending me when you are hurt or sick
- Understand my unexpressed emotions and thoughts effect you
Me xoxo
I am grateful my health coach shared this letter with me. I posted it on the fridge and read it every day. I enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a health coach. I share this poem with my clients and I do my best to create a sweet connection to myself daily.
What words guide you?