One foot here, one foot there.
All of the unknown beckons right around the corner.
Aware of a major transition, yet simultaneously in denial that anything is going to change.
Searching for a rhythm within each day.
Acutely aware of everything that is real today will eventually dissolve.
A family of 4 becomes a family of 5.
Reminding myself soon I will have to let go + surrender, whenever the time comes to usher in this new life. This is hard for me.
Like waiting for a bus and being fully present at the station; it can come at anytime.
Letting it be OK to feel scared, and nervous, and unsure of everything that will follow.
Trusting when it is time I will be ready to give myself over to birth a miracle, to loose myself + enter within.
Let me drop expectations of past birth experiences, of other people’s stories.
Let me free the wishes I am strongly gripping of how I’d like things to be.
Allow me to be carried.
Allow me to connect me with the fierce goddess that resides within + all the many who came before me.
Let me feel the flow + rhythm of the universe within while accessing my deep inner strength + softness.