Being a mom is complex! I finally have the morning to myself and I feel guilty. But even when I am with Luca I still feel guilty. These thoughts constantly circulate:

  • Am I talking to him enough?
  • Am I providing enough stimulation for him?
  • Am I feeding him nutritious and nourishing meals?
  • Am I keeping him on a good schedule?


Which all boils down to:

  • Am I good a mom?

Judging by his smiles I probably am, but it’s nearly impossible for me to FULLY believe it. I doubt, I wonder, I question, and I feel guilty for having time to do my own thing every now and then.  I want better information for my heart and mind to process.  I want to release this guilt that holds on so tight.

I noticed if I change the order of the words from AM I a good mom? to I AM a good mom! Well then…I am sending myself a completely different message.  I am going practice this order and remind myself even new moms need time for themselves and their dreams.

Thank you Ashley for sharing this talk by Louise Hay that reminded me there is just no place for guilt.