Is poetic, multifaceted, and deeply messy.

My artist’s life is oriented to what is life giving, what is life affirming.

My artist’s life is spacious. There is time for stillness. I slow intentionally to notice my surroundings, for I know within the presence is the gold.

My artist’s life is forgiving.

My artist’s life is feminine, divine, and sourced.

My artist’s life is continuously emerging, and has the ability to coax beauty from the heartache and the tangles of life.

My artist’s life is as wide is at is deep, as solid as it is pliable.

My artist’s life is a healing, a growing, a transmuting.

My artist’s life is rich. My intention is alive, my being is embodied.

My artist’s life is the recovery of my heart, and all that resides within.

My artist’s life celebrates all, and grieves all.

My artist’s life is being all of who I am, everywhere I go : integrated.