I want to eat what I want to eat, and that is that. I don’t like diets, or the word RESTRICTION, so I just ate what I wanted to eat. Which was all fine except for the occasions when I found myself wiggling into my pants, or when I looked at a photograph of myself and then asked my husband that loaded question “Do I look fat?” (which normally ended up in me giving him the silent treatment for a few hours.)
Both my body and my mind was in constant fluctuation. I thought I was eating healthy, and I kind of was, but clearly something was stuck. My stagnant diet started to reflect my then stagnant life. I wanted to shake it up a bit. So I spent three months working with my wonderful friend and health coach Alaina Muckell. I started to learn about the power of food. My perspective on what I ate shifted. And instead of
‘I can’t/shouldn’t eat _______’ it became
‘I don’t even want to eat ________’
My 4:00 snack attacks shifted from a cappuccino and a biscotti to an Amazing Green Bowl, with blended kale, spinach, acai, banana, and almond milk. I became obsessed with super foods, in love with Whole Foods, and maybe slightly addicted to reading the ingredients of my food – for better or for worse. I found myself extremely passionate about what I was discovering and I soon realized I wanted to take this to another level. So now I have started my journey to become a holistic health coach, and thrilled about the possibilities.
Although, even with my new relationship with health I still occasionally find myself eating many, many chocolate covered peanuts at the end of the day. But the thing is – that happens less frequently, and I realize the craving is coming from a much deeper place. So maybe one day I will maybe be chocolate covered peanut free, but I doubt it, and I don’t think I’d really want to be.