Before it passes – stop and look – because it just might not be there tomorrow.


I know you’re busy. You have big dreams, schemes, and a baby to keep track of – but whenever you can – stop and look. Notice the incredible beauty of life RIGHT NOW. I know you might not have all you yearn for (yet). But you DO have exactly what you dreamed of (and more) 1, 3, 10 years ago. So before you bound off to the next thing, project, email, playdate… savor whatever – whenever. And you will find yourself exactly where you need to be – here.

If you want to meditate about it all, here is a mini meditation I made for you when winter was turning to spring.

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”  ― C.S. Lewis