When you were a kid play was a part of your everyday experience.  A constant occurrence.  Without thinking or planning for it – it just happened happened.  Play tapped us into our essence, our understanding and exploration of the world, and through play we accessed joy and freedom.  There are many versions of play: racing, building, pretending, creating, connecting, etc – all a source of fun.

Now as an adult juggling work, groceries, relationships, and a day planner – you have to wonder who has time for play? That is what children do and I am a grown up.  But I’m here to remind you how incredibly important and necessary play is for everyone, no matter what the age.  It has the power to bring you back to the moment, into the present, connecting to yourself, all the while creating joy.

How you play as an adult may or may not resemble your favorite childhood activities that you used to get lost in, they may take on a new form – but the benefits will be the same.  Feeling tapped in, tuned in, alive, and free.  When we are able to access those feelings we are less likely to overeat or turn to food to fill any gaps we may be experiencing.

So get out your crayons, go kick a soccer ball, fly a kite, or whatever you need to do to unwind from the business of being an adult.  What is it that you loved to do as a kid?  Can you bring it back?
