A series of circles have lead me to this:
Arms wide open. down on my knees, cheeks wet from the stream of tears.
Asking, helping, guiding
leading me to my heart.
Around I go.
Sometimes I get to where I set out for, but most of the time I don’t.
I flail, I float, I shake, I rest.
I rest, and I wish I could rest more.
It never seems like enough, compared to it all.
That has to be done, that I want to do.
So I do my best :
to practice, to let go, to forgive, and forgive, and forgive even more.
Because I will never be done with this work, as long as I’m here. As long as I’m living, breathing, searching, seeking.
Awake with my eyes closed, turned in so that I can listen to the workings and pleading of my heart.