Today I burnt sage to clear the space of our apartment. Out with the old, in with the new. I felt like I was back in 5th grade burning incense at my BFF’s house – it was awesome. I picked up a bundle of sage at a very cool store downtown on Christopher St. and the woman showed me a ritual to clear the energy. I opened all the windows and lit the bundle of sage. I moved through each room and made circles in all the corners of the apartment and then directed it out the window. The woman said the corners are where it is believed the lingering energy gets stuck, so by making circles I gathered what was remaining and sent it out on its way. While thinking: release this stagnant energy so new experiences can flow freely throughout all corners of this home. It was fun. Kind of quirky. Something new.
So things are coming along. Furniture is arriving, we are prepping to paint, (well, Aaron is), and only a few boxes remain unpacked. It is a blessing to create and fill this space mindfully and with love. Since this place is our base, where we recharge, and regroup – I find it important for it to be as welcoming and orderly as it can be.
Home, the spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
~Robert Montgomery