I can’t lie. I live for dessert. As a kid I used to eat my dinner just so I could have dessert. For my school lunch – I would have a bite of my sandwich and then buy and devour a packaged, processed, fudgy brownie. My sweet tooth can be all consuming at times. I have trouble having just one little piece of chocolate. So after a while, (especially if it is a stressful day, or if I am lonely) the bar of chocolate has disappeared, almost like magic. I don’t compute that I actually devoured the entire bar. I am just ready for more. It is a devilish cycle that can have such an intense hold on me.
Through my studies at Institute for Integrative Nutrition I am getting to the root of why, and now have the power to make empowered choices. This rich information I have learned is like my superpower I can use to combat these strong cravings that appear. And of course, like anything – it is a practice. A continuous one. There are awesome days -where I feel so proud and in control, and then there are days where I am appalled and disgusted by the amount of sugar I consumed in various forms.
I am excited to be taking my relationship with sugar to the next level and hope you will join me. I’m tired feeling like a slave to chocolate & sweets. I will be leading a free ‘Sugar Blues’ tele-class that will uncover and recover your relationship to sugar. You will become empowered and informed about the effects of sugar & you will leave with tools to use when your next sugar craving creeps up. You will learn, sugar is not the problem – it is the solution.
Wednesday, February 13th – 8:00pm – 8:45pm EST
Email awellfedbody@gmail.com to reserve your spot and get the details about how to join the call.