There was a slow creep into summer, and then, wham, it hit and I felt the shift : s’mores, pool, full on rainbow sighting, camping in the backyard, ice-cream, sprinkler, gathering with friends, and trips planned + packing for.
Along with the longest day of light, illuminated an intense darkness, suffering, + a deep sense of grief churned up in this world. A lot to process, pray for, and the invitation to recognize the many blessings laid upon me + my world.
So here I am noticing noticing the abundance + refining what I was made for, and how I want to show up for this season.
I am made for prayer.
I am made for ease.
I am made for community.
I am made for delight.
I am made to move slowly.
I am made to notice.
I am made to release.
I am made to be generous.
I am made to live from my spirit.
I am made to create.
I am made to bask.
I am made to connect.
I am made to be here.
“That’s what I consider true generosity. You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.” – Simone de Beauvoir