I used to start the day by waking up and immediately reaching over for my phone.  I would automatically and mindlessly check my email, Facebook, and whatever else.. all within 1 minute of opening my eyes to a brand new day.  I began to realize I could start my day in a much more thoughtful way, and now this is what my mornings looks like:

  • Wake UP
  • Wash up
  • Drink water
  • Get down on my yoga mat and wake my body with some cat/cows + down dogs + cobras + childs pose
  • Sit and breathe for 10 minutes
  • Set an intention for the day

Then I am free to check my phone…

In order to feel grounded and ready for my day, I need to take this time to get clear about the day.  Lately, I have been meditating for at least 10 minutes before I move on with the rest of my day.  And don’t think when I say the word ‘meditate’ I am sitting with an empty mind, completely enlightened, watching my breath… haven’t gotten there yet!  My mind normally is a big swirl of thoughts, and I just work on watching them and observing rather than reacting.  A definite work in progress.  But from that quiet comes my intention that I create for the day.

One of my favorites from this week was:

‘I greet this day with fluidity, moving into the spaces of my day – present and clear.’  


How do you get ready for the day?