Summer Plans

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Happy summer to you all!


I used this change of seasons as a time to think about how I want to feel and what I want to experience this summer. I continually return to this practice because intention setting is magic and writing it down makes it extra powerful.

Plus, if you happen to be anything like me, you might feel anxious that you are going to miss it all, and all of a sudden it will be 2016! Boom. If you ever feel that FOMO – this is an excellent tool to tap into your awareness and get super present and clear with what you are wanting.

So grab a pen + your journal and start to craft your ideal summer season and all the things that exist in your days. Write like you already have it. Be specific. And make sure to dream wildly. 

Here’s to the smell of sunscreen, the glow of fireflies, juicy watermelon, and mermaid sightings. Enjoy planting some mindful seeds of intention! Can’t wait to hear what sprouts.


P.S. If you want to make something AMAZING this summer (!) Join us for a

Make Your Own Mala Workshop: July 9th @ 7:30 pm in my living room in Park Slope, Brooklyn. $40.

Email to reserve your spot. I have about 4 spaces left.

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Mother Mary + Ganesh + an Air Plant…

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All live together on my altar, along with some other treasures that provide a visual pep talk whenever I see it. Once you find + clear a space for your altar gather objects that are meaningful and uplifting and arrange them beautifully.

Here are some options:

fresh flowers . a beeswax candle . incense . a picture of your grandma . your vision board . a dream catcher . buddha . crystalsmala beads a poem . plants . figurines of saints, gods, or goddesses . a sacred shell . a beautiful quote . a hot pink feather… whatever floats your boat.


I recently cleared off books to make space for my altar.  I especially love the bursts of hot pink.  They remind me to tap into my 7 year old self whenever I am feeling too serious.

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A Present for You: Presence

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“Be present.  Stay in the moment.  Experience the now.”

How many times have you heard this message?  It is shared frequently, and as easy as it is to understand, it can be quite difficult to practice.

With this new move to Germany, I have been spending a lot of time looking both backwards and forwards, sometimes at the same time (my brain is so talented!).  But this way of being causes a whole lot of stress and anxiety.  I have to remind myself to slow down and tune into what is happening right now, since it is the only moment I have.

Ex: “Oh look how beautiful that magnolia tree is,” rather than, “Am I going to make any friends?  How will I meet people in this new city?”


Here is what I have found to help me stay present: First, I catch myself when my mind is rattling in all different directions.  Then, pause and breathe and celebrate that I caught my mile-a-minute mind, even if only for a moment, since it is a very challenging feat.  Then: practice, practice, practice, because it is a continuous evolution.

The payoff is huge because when you are in the moment you can experience a whole lot of JOY and EASE.

I’m super excited to offer some guidance to nurture this practice, and since a brief moment of conscious breathing can have an incredible impact on your day I’ve made a mini meditation for you!

Click here for the soundbite, and let the presence you create infuse and inform your day.

*  *  *  *  *

Looking forward to sharing more mindful moments together, and I hope you enjoy this first soundbite.

Love and inhales & exhales,


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