Dream Realized : Yoga in Brooklyn

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Something that I dreamt about, only shyly admitted to some trusted individuals, and definitely questioned my worth of if I even could… happened!

When I landed back in Brooklyn this fall, I wanted to start teaching yoga. I knew there were a million and one routes to go about that, but I was picky, and I really only wanted to teach at my favorite studio in Brooklyn : Prema Yoga. 


A few hours before our flight to Europe, I went to a teaching audition at Prema. I thought of not even showing up, since everything was so crazy in our rush to leave, I wasn’t feeling well, and I probably wouldn’t be good enough anyway. I was actually pretty positive I wouldn’t make the cut. Luckily I just showed up, taught, and then was offered to teach on a rotating basis!

So now – you can find me (and LOVELY other teachers) teaching on Tuesdays @ 4:30 pm + some other special classes I am hosting. You can see my upcoming schedule here. I’d love nothing more to see you there.

Two lessons : Don’t listen to the crap that runs on in your brain (it’s NOT true!!) and take time to dream. It’s worth it. The tricky thing is that sometimes it doesn’t happen on our predetermined timeline, so you might be tempted to give up and say forget about it. But don’t. Just go ahead and trust wildly. It’s all coming to you. I can’t wait to hear when it arrives!

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What Are You Ready To Create?

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“Creativity comes from stillness. At the moment between the inhale and exhale of breath, you are between formless and form. In that moment of stillness you can create.” -Yogi Bhajan 

What are you ready to create?

I ask this question often since the answer is constantly evolving. 

Right now I am ready to create trust in myself and believe in my worth. I am ready to unapologetically share my mini malas. I am ready to create magical yoga classes that celebrate something bigger than just the poses. I’m ready to create more time to play with Luca and less time multitasking. I’m ready to create juicy gatherings with amazing food.



What are you ready to create?

Here are some ideas to help you get clear:

  • Free write. This is so healing! Just get a piece of paper, write the question at the top, write without judgment, and see what comes up.
  • Listen to this meditation and find a moment of stillness to let your answers crystallize for you.
  • Create a custom mini mala to represent what it is you are ready to call into your life. Or find one that you love here. 
  • Start reading a new book that fills you up.

It may take some time to fully create what you are wanting most, so be sure to trust wildly in the meantime.

I will be doing my best to take my own advice.

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Dear New York,

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It has taken a month. But now I am back in love with you (for now anyway).


When I returned I was initially repulsed by your speed, your noise, and your crowds.  I was bitter about how tricky it can be to navigate a stroller, a baby, and groceries around your skinny streets and up 10 stairs to our apartment. I was resentful towards your abundant collection of small spaces.

Luckily for the both of us, something has shifted. Maybe you grew on me, or I grew on you – but everything you represented that I hated I am now smitten with. Your energy of promise and the creativity collected in coffee houses, subway cars, dinner parties, and city blocks are actually intoxicating if I stop to take it in and forget about alternate side parking. You hustle and bustle like no other which I see representing possibility and opportunity for the incredible people that live in your zip codes.

Even though certain things still feel condensed and frantic, I am (kind of) back in love with your break neck speed. I’m extracting moments of clarity and bliss and I’m incredibly thankful to be back in love with this city that I call home. So thanks for the tough love – always.



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Moving (again)

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We are back home and I am fumbling like whoa!

It took me 3 days to get used to the keys to our apartment and I’m still shocked by how noisy and crowded things are. The chocolate tastes different, the Park Slope Food Coop is the same, and everything seems bigger : our coffee cups, the grains of salt, our car, the TV…pretty much everything but our apartment – which feels small, cramped, and slightly outdated.


I have been on a rampage – fiercely tossing things and rearranging things to get my physical space ready for this new chapter. It is slowly beginning to feel like we never left – but Frankfurt will always have a huge space in my heart.

Now to begin again – to find my rhythm here with an 8 month old.  I did it before and I will do it again.

“Life is such a miracle, and a lot of the time we feel only resentment about how it’s all working out for us.” – Pema Chodron

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Three Slices of Frankfurt Living…

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That I want to incorporate in Brooklyn life.



  • Fresh Flowers : There are flower shops on nearly every corner and the flowers are cheap! So it was a no brainer to have fresh flowers in our apartment every week.  It is such a small thing, but it makes a big difference – especially when there are big tall sunflowers peeking at you.  And I love arranging a few flowers in tiny vases around the apartment, they become little surprises waiting to be found.
  • Baths (on the regular) : I don’t know why it took me so long to catch on, but baths are freaking amazing! It took one long car ride with Luca screaming and crying the whole way for me to discover the power of a bath. My nerves needed calming – so I got in and soaked, and wow.  They are now a part of my weekly routine! I normally leave laughing or giggling, feeling way lighter than when I got in. I have since added bubbles, rose petals, a candle, and / or some calming music to make it even more luxurious.
  • A Cleaning Lady – Our rent included a wonderful cleaning lady who came every other Thursday morning. What a game changer. I would never feel justified in spending the money for this service on my own… but man is it worth it! Our apartment glistened and I could spend my time doing what I wanted to do – rather than dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathroom.

These things were easy to have here – so the trick will be to bring them back or reformat them so they can make Brooklyn life just as spacious and light as it has been living here in Frankfurt.

I’d love to know what little things make a big difference in your days.



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