I’m not the best at following recipes, sticking to exact measurements, or using required ingredients for that matter. Instead I prefer to ‘intuitively’ throw things together – which sometimes works, and sometimes just really doesn’t.

Last night I (kind of) followed this recipe from 101 cookbooks for a cauliflower rice bowl (which also included a lovely insight into blogging + the process of creating recipes). I made a few alternatives based on what I already had in the kitchen.


I swapped the spices for fresh thyme, the radishes for roasted carrots, hazelnuts for walnuts, goat cheese for brie with bread on the side, and added the whole juice of an orange… instead of 1 T (oops) and it turned out just fine.

It reminded of me that I can use recipes as a guide to PLAY, which takes the pressure off – and leaves me with an edible dish.

So do your thing just as you do and enjoy the feast that follows.  And if you are in need of a few guides / recipes for fall squashes, these might just do the trick for :

acorn squash or butternut squash.