Mindful Appetizer

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The New York minute seems like it has been condensed to 10 seconds and I find myself eating on the go while balancing little Luca on my hip – unaware that I’m nourishing my body. This morning I slowed down for breakfast and it felt sooo good.  While I always intend to eat all meals with Yo Yo Ma playing in the background, it often isn’t reality – but just few seconds before eating a granola bar can shift your mindset [and quality of your digestion].


A mini pause will will allow you to be present with your food and feel satisfied + energized. So try something sweet before you eat:

  • take 3 breaths
  • light a candle
  • say grace
  • use beautiful dishes
  • make a toast
  • put devices away

Bonus points for sitting down with your food – away from your desk.

Oh NY – how very fast you move! I’m still marveling at your speed.

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Pesto Perfect

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I love the simplicity of pesto.  I grew up on it and I feel like I could live off it – especially in the summer!


This recipe from Heidi Swanson is perfect for when there is no food processor around.  All you need is a mezzaluna, or nice chopping knife, and some good basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, and olive oil.  I mean what could be better?

[A note on Heidi Swanson… she is amazing and has a collection of incredible recipes on 101 cookbooks.  So if you are ever in need of some kitchen inspiration – take a look!]

Are there meals that you grew up on that you still LOVE to eat up?


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Brown Sugar

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I am continuing my detective work on how different types of sugars are made and if there is one better than the rest. Here is what I discovered with refined white sugar.  Now for –

Brown Sugar:

A little part of me always thought I was doing myself a favor baking with brown sugar rather than white.  I’m not alone, this NY Times article echoes that same sentiment.  But in reality brown sugar is pretty much just white sugar mixed with molasses.

Molasses is a by product of the sugar cane juice, and has vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A.  I was excited when I read that, until I realized it is really just a smidge of nutritents in the grand scheme of things.

This is no real surprise.  Sugar isn’t kale.  But now I know how it is processed, and I’m most interested finding out how my food is made.


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Food Snob

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My husband thinks I am a food snob, and perhaps I am.

Monday Mussels

Mussels on Monday

Or maybe I am aware enough to demand an increase in the quality of the food that is served in this world.

It is easy to have my ‘food snob’ preferences met while living in Brooklyn, but when I travel (which I have been doing recently) I’m not as in control of the choices I have to eat and my food snobbiness begins to surface.  Here are some recent examples:

  • We go out for barbecue and I genuinely wonder where the meat came from.  I wished with all my might that it was local, grass fed, and hormone free.  Pretty sure that wasn’t the case so I turned a blind eye and ate it anyway.
  • I saw hot chocolate advertised outside a cafe, and dreamed of drinking a mug of thick, creamy, and rich hot chocolate made of real ingredients only to find out it was made with nesquik and milk – I politely declined, and was thankful I inquired.
  • While at brunch the waiter asked if I wanted orange juice.  I asked if it was freshly squeezed, he replied yes, no sugar added, and poured the orange liquid from the carafe – it was from a carton.  Who knows when those oranges were actually squeezed.

I’m disillusioned by supermarkets, I’m disenchanted by the dwindling quality of what can be called and referred to as food.  I want to eat real food, made by real people, with real ingredients – because that is the equation for GOOD FOOD, which is what I’m all about.

Food Mantra

Food Mantra

I’m starting to wonder if that is really such a preposterous request?  Is it absurd to desire local apples that are minimally treated if not straight up organic, real chocolate made with cacao +  sugar – nothing else, bread made from flour, yeast, and water  – that’s it.

When these things aren’t available I eat crap and then I just end up wanting and eating more crap. I grab a bag of peanut m&ms for that 4:00 pick me up and crave more, because I’m not satisfied.  My body isn’t full of real ingredients & nutrients – just fake stuff trying to appear as real food, made by machines & labs rather than people.

So if you find yourself making ‘bad’ choices, give yourself a break.  With all the chemicals and additives it’s very hard not to be addicted to all this junk.  Instead add in some real food (veggies, fruits, beans, grains, etc), and see what happens.  Your body will begin to crave REAL food and it will feel so good.

vibrant veggies

vibrant veggies

There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
(just remember to love food that loves you too!)

– George Bernard Shaw

So go ahead and be a food snob.  Your body will thank you.

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Overheard at the Coop

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I am a member of the Park Slope Food Coop and for those of you haven’t heard me either complain or rave about it (I do both), well that’s another story.  The Coop has really great produce, cheese, bulk items, raw chocolate, etc.. that are fresh and affordable since each member has to work a shift.

While working my shift last week I overheard another member say, “I’m giving up sugar…and when I say sugar I mean maple syrup, honey, agave…  I’m giving up wheat…and when I say wheat I mean bread, pasta, pizza and only having 2 tablespoons of grains: quinoa, amaranth…  I’m giving up dairy…and when I say – well you get the idea.

While although that way of eating is extremely healthy, what’s the point of living? Shortly after that, another woman asked if I was a vegan – I then went out for a meatball sub.

I even had a few sips of Coke

I even had a few sips of Coke

Aware this was certainly not one of the healthiest things I could have eaten, I ordered anyway – and savored half of the warm, gooey, sandwich.  Do I eat that way every day?  Nope.

I shoot for something like more like this - colorful.

I shoot for something like more like this – colorful nutrient dense eating.

When it comes to food, as it comes to anything else in life, it’s all a balance. And finding your unique balance is essential to your health and enJOYment of life.  You can have a vegan diet filled with green juice & algae – but if you’re not enjoying it – what’s the point?  I’m all about green tonics and seaweed, but I also enjoy a pizza and beer every now and then.

The thing I find troubling is when we ‘indulge’ we often then bear the wrath of our inner critic, “I can’t believe you did that, that was so gross, you have no self control, you are a fattie and always will be” ….at least that’s what mine sounds like.  Then we end up feeling worse about ourselves and our self worth.  Did eating a bowl of ice cream really make you that much worse of a person?  I don’t think so.  I’m interested instead of food being right or wrong, finding a well balanced approach to eating.

There are many reasons behind what we eat and how we eat, and that can give us a lot of information about our relationship to ourselves – which is the most important relationship we have in this world.  Take a look and see what comes up when you reach for what you reach for – and be as gentle as you can be.  Be a detective, use your food choices as evidence as how you are feeling, drop the judgement and replace with patience and forgiveness.  Because it’s always changing, just like the weather.

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