When we were getting ready to move to Frankfurt I said I wanted to meet like minded entrepreneurs doing cool and creative things. Someone said how unlikely that would be considering I’d be relocating to a city known for banking and finance.
Well, good thing I didn’t listen to them because I’ve met : moms (who are just superhuman by nature), bloggers, foodies, the creator of a particularly amazing food blog, coaches, yoga teachers, crafters, a style maven, an indian cooking teacher, a tea + green juice maker, the creators of Glowing Abroad, a Bowen practitioner, a haiku writer, a graphic designer, and it goes on. I am beyond grateful for this incredible network I have become a part of and I am going to miss these friends. Hopefully it is just the beginning!
So hold your vision close – now matter how unlikely they may seem – and don’t take what other people say too seriously. Just don’t. And Kathleen at Braid Creative says it best in this blog post : on three great steps on attracting what you want.