The People

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When we were getting ready to move to Frankfurt I said I wanted to meet like minded entrepreneurs doing cool and creative things.  Someone said how unlikely that would be considering I’d be relocating to a city known for banking and finance.


Well, good thing I didn’t listen to them because I’ve met : moms (who are just superhuman by nature), bloggers, foodies, the creator of a particularly amazing food blog, coaches, yoga teachers, crafters, a style maven, an indian cooking teacher, a tea + green juice maker, the creators of Glowing Abroad, a Bowen practitioner, a haiku writer, a graphic designer, and it goes on. I am beyond grateful for this incredible network I have become a part of and I am going to miss these friends.  Hopefully it is just the beginning!

So hold your vision close – now matter how unlikely they may seem – and don’t take what other people say too seriously.  Just don’t.  And Kathleen at Braid Creative says it best in this blog post : on three great steps on attracting what you want.


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Girl Friends

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This weekend I was reminded how incredibly soul filling, grounding, and healing spending time with girlfriends can be.  I had the honor of gathering 10 phenomenal ladies to drink, dine, craft dream catchers, and eat fondue while celebrating my dear friend Ashley for her bachelorette party.

fine looking ladies

fine looking ladies




Everyone is always so busy, wrapped up in their lives, running here and there (me included!), but making this a regular event of gathering girls to chat and connect is so necessary.  That is what we are meant to do, to support, listen, play, problem solve, and create, with each other.

catch dreams

catch dreams

So grab your girls, go get a cosmo, take a walk in the park and delight in the many joys of friendship.

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