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What are your guidelines for a happy & full life?

This is something I asked myself after a pretty unbalanced week.  As I am starting to grow my health & wellness business, A Well Fed Body, I found myself impatiently pouring energy into my ventures.   Things fell by the wayside.  Self-care was last on the list.  I didn’t cook a home cooked meal until Friday night.  (!)

Feeling out of whack is frustrating & uncomfortable, because I know what I could be feeling and experiencing instead.  But it also a blessing, as it gave me a jolt to stop and identify what I need to feel fulfilled.

So I journaled.

photo-4I realized in order to feel grounded, I’d like to experience these things throughout the week:

  • Cook! Eat home mostly, dine out occasionally
  • Make juice
  • Use one afternoon to stay at work and plan
  • Plan for my lessons & classes at least 1 day in advance
  • Move my body at least 3 times a week
  • Take at least 1 yoga / dance class
  • Screens off at 10:00 pm
  • Read for 15 minutes a day
  • Have one Facebook free day per week
  • Be creative – Create

Now these are guidelines – meaning they are something I will work towards.  They are pretty ideal & yet somewhat realistic.  But just like any other guidelines – they are not do or die.  I will be kind to myself if I don’t get to check them all off at the end of the week.  At least I have something to steer me, and check back with as I move through this week.

Wondering what keeps you grounded and comfortable in your days?



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Encouragement of Light

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What does your body, mind, and spirit need to feel free and rock out?  Identify what you need to feel balanced and grounded, then surround yourself with those things so you can open up and really be.

  • Much like a plant – I need water, sunshine, and healthy nutrients, which includes a daily piece of dark chocolate.
  • I need to feel connected to my body and move it AT LEAST once a day.  Yoga, running, dancing, biking, walking all encouraged.
  • I need rest – including a good nights sleep and naping when I feel depleted – never underestimate the power of a good nap!
  • Finally, LOVE , we all need it – so I surround myself with wonderful people, an amazing husband, and stay connected to my family and friends even though they may be far.

With those things in order, I feel the encouragement of the light and then able to give to this world all my beauty.  Whatever that may look like.  What do you need?

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