New Addition : Full Sized Malas!!

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I started Charm & Magic almost 2 years ago – two weeks before my son was born.

Now, with about a month before the next baby comes, I have a new addition to the Charm & Magic collection… full sized malas. These necklaces are made with 108 larger beads that you can easily use for meditation + prayer. They are a delight to hold as you repeat a mantra, or wear as a reminder of a greater intention.


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One mala is called Grounded Grace, but they all embody that essence : earthy colors mixed with heavenly ones, playful + asymmetrical with pockets of sparkle – all lovingly strung on silk.

These would be a great gift for any friends, sisters, moms, daughters, yoga teachers, (or yourself) … that appreciate beauty + accessing their inner calm. These malas are a beautiful tool to ground + guide you as you connect to yourself and move fluidly + ease-fully towards what you are most wanting. Plus a portion of your purchase will go towards Girls on Fire… and well, you can’t beat supporting a meaningful cause while you shop!

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New Collection

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Lately my desire to make things has heightened.

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It’s so strong that when I don’t have any time to create anything I become irritable + unpleasant.

Making things has become my medicine. Some things I make are great, others are not. But the time I spend in my Charm & Magic headquarters leaves me feeling balanced and whole, and I’ve had the incredible gift of dedicating consistent time to my work.

I also listened to Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert (READ IT!) which propelled me even further into honoring this intense desire to create. I felt (and still feel) that if I didn’t express myself creatively – I didn’t feel fully alive, and I don’t like that feeling.

So that has all lead to this new Charm & Magic collection : elegant, playful + mystical – to help ground and guide you as you connect to yourself.

Visit the shop here and see if anything catches your eye.

May you find your own unique ways to express yourself + make something beautiful. Coloring is a wonderful place to begin.

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Custom Made

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I love making mini malas, and I especially love designing them with someone’s vision + desires in mind. I have made some custom malas for a few wonderful people, and my heart explodes when I hear what they have to say when their unique piece lands in there hands.

“I really cant describe how much I love my mini mala. I’m not a spiritual person at all, but I kinda felt something when I held it. I definitely felt connected to it and like it gave me some sort of spiritual feeling and calmness.”

– Esta Tonkin of Wild Weka


“…the intention I set for my mala (to lean into my intuition more) seems to be coming true! Since wearing it, I’ve found a professional intuitive online who I really clicked with and had a session with her last week. After our session, she asked for my permisson to use our call for her training program, and as a trade, offered me free access to an online course (she sells for lots of money) to develop one’s psychic skills.I create one step – and the the universe paves the next 2 steps for me.”

– Danielle van de Kemmenade of Heart Work


“I was so honored to receive something this beautiful. I kept these pearls from a tiny island off the coast of Colombia for so many years until I saw your work and knew that I could put them in the right hands. I told you I dreamt of wearing moonlight, and that is exactly how it feels when I drape them around my neck.”

– Susanna Harwood Rubin, Yoga Teacher. Writer. Artist

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“My stunning mini mala started working it’s magic right away from the moment I began to unwrap the thoughtful, gorgeous packaging! I definitely feel energized by wearing my mini mala and remember to be grounded just by touching it or looking at it. I feel like it packs so much beauty, wisdom and inspiration, and I don’t know if they are addictive, but I already want a second one!!”

– Berynes Sosa – A most extraordinary teacher


Each piece is as unique as the person who sparked its creation, and serves them in both a very real + magical way.

If you have a vision, some special beads or a charm, or are just wanting something designed specifically for you with your desires in mind – let’s make something!

You can begin here.

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Notes to You // Notes to Me

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Intuitive Flow : Mini Mala

If you’re feeling wobbly – it’s OK.

It doesn’t mean today is going to stink, that you’re less than, or not on the right track.

It’s just a feeling, that will certainly pass.

Use it as an invitation to listen closer to what you may need.

Connect to your intuitive flow + honor it fiercly.


These words started as a note to myself, scribbled in my journal, on a day I was feeling off my center – and now I share it with you : with the hope that it might help you continue to move forward even if you are feeling stuck or slightly uneasy.


Above is a mini mala I made, which you can find in my little online shop Charm & Magic.


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What Are You Ready To Create?

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“Creativity comes from stillness. At the moment between the inhale and exhale of breath, you are between formless and form. In that moment of stillness you can create.” -Yogi Bhajan 

What are you ready to create?

I ask this question often since the answer is constantly evolving. 

Right now I am ready to create trust in myself and believe in my worth. I am ready to unapologetically share my mini malas. I am ready to create magical yoga classes that celebrate something bigger than just the poses. I’m ready to create more time to play with Luca and less time multitasking. I’m ready to create juicy gatherings with amazing food.



What are you ready to create?

Here are some ideas to help you get clear:

  • Free write. This is so healing! Just get a piece of paper, write the question at the top, write without judgment, and see what comes up.
  • Listen to this meditation and find a moment of stillness to let your answers crystallize for you.
  • Create a custom mini mala to represent what it is you are ready to call into your life. Or find one that you love here. 
  • Start reading a new book that fills you up.

It may take some time to fully create what you are wanting most, so be sure to trust wildly in the meantime.

I will be doing my best to take my own advice.

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