Dearest Body of Mine,

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I Promise To:

  • Honor you as the temple of my soul
  • Offer you healthy foods and drinks
  • Realize that you deserve to be healthy
  • Overcome the addictions that hurt you
  • Love and appreciate you for what you do
  • Accept that I have the power to heal you
  • Adorn you with nice, comfortable clothes and shoes
  • Realize that laughter, play, and rest help you feel good
  • Exercise regularly and appropriately for my body type
  • Accept you and be grateful for you just the way you are
  • Listen to messages you are sending me when you are hurt or sick
  • Understand my unexpressed emotions and thoughts effect you


Me   xoxo


I am grateful my health coach shared this letter with me.  I posted it on the fridge and read it every day.  I enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a health coach.  I share this poem with my clients and I do my best to create a sweet connection to myself daily.

What words guide you?

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Salad Lovin’

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Croissants and chocolate have been getting the better of me these days, so I am trying to add more fruits and veggies into my life.


This simple salad did the trick : bed of greens + sliced apple + chopped hazelnuts + olive oil & balsamic vinegar… some parmesan cheese would have also been nice.

For more salad inspiration:

Superfy Your Salad: make your salads super awesome.

Golden Beet Salad: lovely & hearty standby.

And here is an awesomely robust salad guide compliments of Integrative Nutrition.

What is your favorite go to salad?

P.S. Had to pause from today being a doodle day because I have fallen way behind on my coloring!  Seems like there is always something ‘more important’ to do than filling these doodles with coloring.  How silly! So I am going to re-prioritize, and get coloring my #doodlesbyryann.  Stay tuned for more coloring sheets to come.

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Mini Yoga Flow *7

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Grab a belt or a scarf and create 5 minutes for yourself to lengthen + extend + receive.  Super sweet to do at the end of the day.

Want more? Visit the collection here.

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Butter + Coffee

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I did it.  I hopped on the bulletproof coffee craze.  I blended a bit of grassfed butter into my cup of coffee and I enjoyed a frothy, rich cup of joe that was actually quite satisfying.


I used to be scared of fat (I’m still recovering).  I thought fat was what made me ‘fat’ but it turns out sugar and carbs are the culprit.  So while I was ‘being healthy’ with my low fat / non-fat yogurts and salad dressings I was actually eating more sugar (since they add more sugar to make those products tasty and edible).  I was never really satisfied.

Everyone has their own opinion of what is healthy and what isn’t.  Trends come and go and people will be baffled by the thought of blending butter and coffee together (ha!).  But the good news is only YOU get to decide if it works for your body.

So be sure to start your day in a beautiful way with a nourishing breakfast that makes your body feel good.   I am currently enjoying whole milk with muesli and fresh strawberries…  Call me crazy.  Or call me a mom who is breast feeding – either one works.

More on bulletproof coffee.


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Clear out the Cupboards

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We are moving to Germany for 6 months (!), and this relocation has prompted an early cupboard spring cleaning.  I rarely clean out the cupboards, and to my delightful surprise, I had so many healthy gems hiding in the backs of the shelves that I completely forgot about.  Luckily, I was able to rescue some before their expiration date.


Here is what I rediscovered:

  •  Yerba Mate Tea: Great alternative if you want caffeine without the coffee.
  •  Amaranth, Teff, Buckwheat, Barley: Grains were a staple in ancient civilizations’ diets for a good reason.  They are easy to prepare and highly nutritious, complete with protein and fiber.
  • Quinoa Flakes:  Can be used in baked goods to add a nutty flavor and a bit of protein.
  • Hazelnut Butter: My, oh my – this stuff is so divine, I can’t believe I forgot it was in the cabinet.  Use like you would any other nut butter, or add a bit of cacao powder to make homemade Nutella.

So as spring emerges and you tackle your closets, give your cabinets a sweep, and let me know what you find.  You may find it oddly satisfying as you are motivated to get creative with your discoveries.

We are all way more likely to eat healthy if we have healthy options available and on hand.  Just make sure that they can be seen when you open your cabinet doors!  I packed the essentials: my cacao powder, cacao nibs, and Vitamix will get prime real estate in their new cabinets.

Even though our little family is trading in Brooklyn for Frankfurt for these next 6 months, business will be as usual.  I even have some fresh new programs ready for you, so take a look!  Don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel like your health and wellness could use an upgrade.  I’m here for you – that’s what I do.

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