I started Charm & Magic almost 2 years ago – two weeks before my son was born.

Now, with about a month before the next baby comes, I have a new addition to the Charm & Magic collection… full sized malas. These necklaces are made with 108 larger beads that you can easily use for meditation + prayer. They are a delight to hold as you repeat a mantra, or wear as a reminder of a greater intention.


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One mala is called Grounded Grace, but they all embody that essence : earthy colors mixed with heavenly ones, playful + asymmetrical with pockets of sparkle – all lovingly strung on silk.

These would be a great gift for any friends, sisters, moms, daughters, yoga teachers, (or yourself) … that appreciate beauty + accessing their inner calm. These malas are a beautiful tool to ground + guide you as you connect to yourself and move fluidly + ease-fully towards what you are most wanting. Plus a portion of your purchase will go towards Girls on Fire… and well, you can’t beat supporting a meaningful cause while you shop!