Spontaneous Travel

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Claim what you want. Seriously. There is such incredible power in giving yourself permission to feel into what you want.

I wrote less than a month ago that I wanted this year to be filed with spontaneous travel – and we just returned from Puerto Rico. We booked the trip Saturday evening and left early Tuesday morning. And it was magical. Sunshine, naps, early mornings meditations on the balcony, the soundtrack of the ocean, black beans and plantains = straight up bliss.

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Take time to plant seeds and then celebrate once they have found a way to fully express themselves. Give them room to grow and open up to receive.

And just so you know the full moon is a perfect time to claim what you want to call into your life.  Join us for a Pop – Up Full Moon Yoga class!


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Glance Back

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It’s incredible what can happen in a year, and it is too easy to just move onto the next thing. I am all about giving extra attention anywhere I can in order to create meaning and value in my life. When I stop and look at all that has happened I feel quite powerful and confident in my ability to create whatever it is I want next.


Hiking with Luca up to San Luca

Hiking with Luca up to San Luca

Here are some gems of 2014.

  • I became a mom to a most incredible being, Luca.
  • I listened to my dreams and desires to make things and be creative and began Charm & Magic.
  • We moved to Germany and made amazing, heart centered friends that I miss daily.
  • We went back to Bologna, Italy and ate at some of our favorite restaurants.
  • I hosted a summer yoga series in the park around the corner from our house in Frankfurt.
  • We moved back to Brooklyn and I get to see my grandparents quite often.
  • I am connecting and reconnecting with a most inspiring community here in NYC.
sending mini malas on their way

sending mini malas on their way

Now it’s you’re turn. Write it down. Leave space for this list grow. Let it be ongoing as you remember all you have accomplished and experienced this past year. Start from the beginning, let it be jumbled, circle back to whatever seems important.

If you want to take it a step further and think about what is next, I highly recommend this free workbook from Alexandra Franzen, who rocks my world with everything she shares and writes.

Then get ready to receive – (here is a mini meditation I made for you + the new year)

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Desire Mapping

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I have started off the new year in a beautiful way: mindfully tuning into the root of what it is I want.  It seems like something that should be so easy, but I am discovering there are layers to peel before I can get to the root of it all.  Luckily I have The Desire Map, written by Danielle LaPorte, to sink into and discover what it is I really WANT to feel during this new year, not what I think I should do, or would be good for my image- but what I really want to experience, what my soul craves.


The best part of it all, is I am getting to dive with one of my beloved friends who is visiting from Mexico.  It is so special doing this work with a friend to reflect with while drinking tea or spiced cider, and I can’t wait for future collaborative mapping sessions.


I am taking my time as I move through this book, as LaPorte gives you freedom to do – soaking it in.  I love how she writes, I am eating it up, and I love uncovering the feelings that I will allow to guide me in the choices and actions I make this new year.

On growing happiness rather than smushing it:

‘Happiness is carbonated consciousness.  It wants to spill out and radiate and be articulated.’ – Danielle LaPorte

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