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photo-30I am doing a juice cleanse tomorrow, for just one day… taking it slow.  I love food too much.  I never thought I would drink only juice between my waking and sleeping hours.  I figured if you have a healthy diet, that should be good enough.  And I still believe that, but I am realizing there is always another level of health for me to explore.  Something shifted, so I must be ready and in the right place to have 6 juices to sustain me throughout my Monday.  I’m a little concerned about my energy level, so I will be munching on carrots & apples if the juice isn’t enough.

After being a part of a month long detox tele-class I began to understand the vast benefits of giving your digestive system a rest so your body can clear up the gunk and arrive in a balanced state.  My intention is to create space in the internal workings of my body so I can enter this holiday season of parties galore grounded and centered.  I’ll let you know how it goes.


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Raccoon + Leaves + Acorn Squash

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We just moved into our new apartment and I am falling in love with living here.  You can’t beat waking up with sunlight streaming into the bedroom, doing yoga and watching the birds bounce around in the trees, and meeting our new neighbor who lives right outside our window. (no joke)

I went on a run in Prospect Park this morning, where I marveled at the trees and all their brilliant colors.  Then I stopped at the farmers market for some ingredients for our first meal at home.


I made acorn squash, a kale + apple salad with toasted pecans, with quinoa piled somewhere.  It was minimal prep, and super tasty and healthy.  Here’s what it looked like:

And here is what I did:


Preheated oven to 450

Cut acorn squash in half, removed seeds, drizzled olive oil, salt, pepper, and red pepper (or you can make it sweet with brown sugar / maple syrup)

Baked it for an hour

(So easy!)



Tore kale off the stem

Massaged with dressing: combination of  olive oil, lemon juice, sherry vinegar, salt & pepper to taste

Toasted chopped pecans

Cut Apple into bite size pieces

Mixed and Viola! Dinner is served.

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