Finding Home

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Where do you go when you need to be reminded of who you are and what you stand for?

Where do you go when you’re not sure where home will be, and you already feel your roots gently lifting?

How do you ground down while still remaining open and receptive to receive the countless blessings that are waiting to be showered upon you?

What do you do when you feel stuck and are fearful you may never move forward again?

What do you do when you feel uninspired, and just want to be held and taken care of?

What do you do when you’ve exhausted all options, and fear and doubt have a very tight grip on you?

What do you do when as quickly as you realize a dream, you immediately discount the slight possibility of it?

Where do you go when you need guidance?


Here’s my remedy:

I turn inwards, I commit to a practice, I breathe, and I connect to myself over and over again –  because that is where all the golden nuggets of insight and wisdom lie.

Receive your deepest knowing and let that guide you to the most incredible spaces you have yet to enter – but are deeply anticipating your arrival.


Breathe. Meditate. Connect. And locate the charm & magic within – again, and again.

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Moving to Get Unstuck

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Sometimes I feel so stuck I don’t know what to do next – so I stay still.


For instance, I have a collection of new journals that I didn’t know how to begin. The thought of writing the wrong thing in a brand new journal left me paralyzed. So I left them empty until yesterday when I boldly declared my hot pink journal for all things charm & magic – no matter how messy and imperfect it may turn out.

I needed permission to make a mess – to begin even if it is wrong.  Because when I am stuck I really am just scared of making a mistake or failing.  When I took the pressure off of having it be right I got to move again and that always  feels the best.

So go ahead and make your mess.  Begin.

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Be Seen

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I used to get stuck when I wanted to express an idea.  I didn’t know where to share it (Facebook / Instagram / blog post…) or if it was even worth sharing – so I mostly kept it to myself.  But I am figuring out that when I am able to fully express myself I feel super fulfilled and happy.  It’s tricky because I have all these personas: new mom, expat, health coach, yoga teacher, mini mala maker, etc. and I want to share really meaningful things without being self-promotiony or preachy.

Through working with my coach Jeanne, and taking this Personal Branding E-course by Braid Creative – I realize that when I am creative, when I am making things, wrapping packages, using hot pink or washi tape – I feel fulfilled.  I still may overstep my boundaries on Facebook and Instagram, but maybe I will figure it out one day. I’m trusting myself more and saying what I want to say (most of the time) – and that feels really good.


playing with stamps and mini mantra cards.

The point is (I am going to preach now): it’s important to express yourself. To be seen, to be heard.  Whether it is through the pictures you take, the stories you write, the letters you send, the crafts you make or the clothes you wear – you will leave your mark on the world in a way that only you can.

So go forth and express yourself freely!!  Would love to hear how you do it.

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In Between

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Life happens in the snuggles, the walks, the grocery shopping, the train rides.  The stuff in between the graduations, the birthdays, the weddings, the babies, the vacations.  Life is in the hydrangeas turning pink, the quiet cups of coffee, the mouse that scurried past me on the sidewalk, kids playing in the park.

Life is in the small things, the things that fill every day.


I am keeping my eyes open to see how really special and magical they are.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ― W.B. Yeats


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Leverage New Year’s Goals

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There are many different ages and stages of our life, and sometimes I don’t even realize that one is over until it is already behind me.  Even if I know change is approaching, I still often require some transitional time to acclimate to it.

One thing is for sure: there are 12 months in the year and as the world moves into a new year, the word “resolution” pops up.  Great.  I’m all for positive change and growth.  But what if you could really leverage what it is you want by looking at what was?

looking ahead

Inspired by a virtual winter solstice ritual led by Christine Arlyo, Shilo Sophia, and Amy Ahlers, I took time to acknowledge and notice the past.  I realized that 2013 was full and I am clear to powerfully create intentions for 2014.

Try it!  Think back to January 2013.  How did you start the year?  Who were you with? What did you do?  Travel through the months.  What sticks out?  What creeps in?

Take a moment to note your surprises, successes, and failures of 2013.  Here are a few of mine:


  • Surprise – I’m pregnant!


  • I became a certified holistic health coach and started to build my practice
  • I hosted health & wellness workshops and retreats
  • I met and took class with my yoga crushes: Kathryn Budig, Tiffany Cruikshank, and Elena Brower
  • I became a beauty ecologist for Pangea Organics


  • I never went to Italy or re-learned Italian
  • I didn’t have a successful launch of online program that I created
  • I didn’t teach yoga in the capacity that I wanted to
  • I often felt stuck and unclear in developing my business

Once I realized all the highs and lows and actually celebrated and mourned them accordingly, I felt that I could leave them in 2013 rather than quietly taking them with me into the new year.

Then all this reflection can form into a ball of wisdom.  What did I learn from the bumps?  If you get really quiet and ask your inner wise self (the part that knows it all already) what it would say, what would you hear?

I heard, “You are wildly successful, go ahead and step in.  People listen to you and want to hear more from you.”  Really?, I wonder.  “Really,” I hear.

Thank you for being a part of A Well Fed Body’s first year in existence.  I am so grateful and humbled by all your support and interest in this work.  I am honored to serve you and I look forward to what 2014 has in store.  May you swim in clarity, joy, and vibrancy.

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