Recognize Your Wonder

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Fully + completely.

Honor the parts of you that sparkle and the things about you that make you proud.

The steps you have taken to get to where you are today. If you’ve wandered a bit or are still figuring it out – celebrate that. Because it all matters.

Do it daily. Make it a practice.

Write some awesome things down about yourself, and constantly connect to your greatness – no matter how hard they might be to believe at first.

Over the years I have heard lovely things about myself – only to immediately discount it. I think they are just being nice or saying that because it they have to… Now I’m ready to let it sink in and believe.

Because when I do, I will be able to be a fuller, brighter, me.

So believe all the good anyone has ever said to you, written to you, or shared with you – or you have thought yourself! And if you can’t seem to do that just yet…

Then trust me when I say – it’s true!

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I Love You When

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I love you when you compare, when you judge, and when you think you are less than.

I love you when you doubt your worth and your value.

I love you when you are eating one last cookie, and checking your email one last time right before bed.

I love you when you fail.

I love you when you worry.

I love you when you think you can’t.

I love you when you are scared to be you.

I love you when you believe your limiting beliefs.

Because those are the times I can practice compassion and forgiveness towards you and do my best to send nothing but love.

I love you, I forgive you, I release you.


When can you give yourself the opportunity to love? I’d love to hear.


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Be Seen

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I used to get stuck when I wanted to express an idea.  I didn’t know where to share it (Facebook / Instagram / blog post…) or if it was even worth sharing – so I mostly kept it to myself.  But I am figuring out that when I am able to fully express myself I feel super fulfilled and happy.  It’s tricky because I have all these personas: new mom, expat, health coach, yoga teacher, mini mala maker, etc. and I want to share really meaningful things without being self-promotiony or preachy.

Through working with my coach Jeanne, and taking this Personal Branding E-course by Braid Creative – I realize that when I am creative, when I am making things, wrapping packages, using hot pink or washi tape – I feel fulfilled.  I still may overstep my boundaries on Facebook and Instagram, but maybe I will figure it out one day. I’m trusting myself more and saying what I want to say (most of the time) – and that feels really good.


playing with stamps and mini mantra cards.

The point is (I am going to preach now): it’s important to express yourself. To be seen, to be heard.  Whether it is through the pictures you take, the stories you write, the letters you send, the crafts you make or the clothes you wear – you will leave your mark on the world in a way that only you can.

So go forth and express yourself freely!!  Would love to hear how you do it.

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Mini Yoga Flow *7

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Grab a belt or a scarf and create 5 minutes for yourself to lengthen + extend + receive.  Super sweet to do at the end of the day.

Want more? Visit the collection here.

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In Between

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Life happens in the snuggles, the walks, the grocery shopping, the train rides.  The stuff in between the graduations, the birthdays, the weddings, the babies, the vacations.  Life is in the hydrangeas turning pink, the quiet cups of coffee, the mouse that scurried past me on the sidewalk, kids playing in the park.

Life is in the small things, the things that fill every day.


I am keeping my eyes open to see how really special and magical they are.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ― W.B. Yeats


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