Full Moon Recap : Prayer Arrows

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This past Pop Up Full Moon Yoga class concluded with a  craft. Inspired by Ruby Warrington and this post she wrote on The Numinous – we finished our calming moon salutations and started making prayer arrows.


After savasana we transitioned into writing a note of gratitude on a piece of brown tissue paper, and then scribed a prayer, a wish, or an intention for ourselves, someone else, or this world. We chose a branch (that was sourced locally from Prospect Park :) ) and wrapped the note around the twig, secured it with washi tape and colorful thread, and then added feathers, flowers, and fresh rosemary as adornments. 

The best part was seeing how incredibly unique and gorgeous everyone made their own arrows. Now they exist as a way to shoot the prayer or wish out into this world. A lovely symbol + gift.

You can make your own prayer arrow anytime you’d like to send a conscious thought into the universe. Of course I’d LOVE to see what you create.

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Moon Board

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The new moon is a great time to ask yourself : what are you ready to create? And so on today’s new moon I created what I’d like to call a moon board. A hybrid of a vision board / mood board / with some free writing – pasted on an old calendar by Nikki McClure. As I arranged the images and colors, it felt like my hidden (and not so hidden) desires were revealed in a visual form. So cool!

So if you feel pulled – take time to plant some seeds with a magical visual. Don’t judge, just make.



Don’t forget you are a creative genius, and sometimes the hardest part is just to begin. Go plant some seeds – and let me know what grows!

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5 Things I Do to Stay Upright

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In a city that is zooming and buzzing finding time and space to connect to myself has become so incredibly important. When I practice my daily rituals I am way more grounded and clear.  When I don’t (which, with an 8 month old showers are still a little tricky) I am completely off my center. I end up whittling the day away with no clear focus – other than being a mom of course.


Here are a few things I try to tune into daily:

The trick is to prioritize these even though there are countless other ways I can spend my time. The small investment in these moments really ends up paying off.  I become clear as to how to spend my time and most importantly I end up feeling good.

My mom rides horses. My friend Valerie cooks.  My husband hikes. And my grandma knits – even though she is blind! What do you do to keep yourself plugged in and grounded to yourself?


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Make Things

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I am supremely satisfied when I am creative, when I am making messes, and when I just begin.  Here are some things I have been making (and you can too) over the past few months:

Vision Board – cut / paste / collage – doesn’t have to be anything more than that.

Mini Mobiles – wrap + hang your favorite things from a branch.

Coloring Sheets  – print and color these intricate doodles.

DIY Barrettes  – totally fancy all you need is some nail polish!

Friendship Bracelets – these will never go out of style.

Mini Notebooks – simple + sweet

and I have been using lots of Washi Tape – the best material ever!!

“Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE.
― Joss Whedon

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So You Want to Make a Vision Board

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Do it!  They are so fun to make – especially if you don’t worry about getting it right.


Flip through magazines and tear out anything that speaks to you: colors, shapes, letters, or designs  – it doesn’t have to be so linear and exact.  Anything goes here.  It’s yours.

Just begin, and make your mess.

There is something so grounding about working with scissors, glue, and images of things you love.

Oh and if you aren’t in the mood right now to put your vision board together, keep an envelope where you can save images you like so they are there when you are ready.

I can’t wait to see what you make – both on your board and in your life.

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