Glance Back

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It’s incredible what can happen in a year, and it is too easy to just move onto the next thing. I am all about giving extra attention anywhere I can in order to create meaning and value in my life. When I stop and look at all that has happened I feel quite powerful and confident in my ability to create whatever it is I want next.


Hiking with Luca up to San Luca

Hiking with Luca up to San Luca

Here are some gems of 2014.

  • I became a mom to a most incredible being, Luca.
  • I listened to my dreams and desires to make things and be creative and began Charm & Magic.
  • We moved to Germany and made amazing, heart centered friends that I miss daily.
  • We went back to Bologna, Italy and ate at some of our favorite restaurants.
  • I hosted a summer yoga series in the park around the corner from our house in Frankfurt.
  • We moved back to Brooklyn and I get to see my grandparents quite often.
  • I am connecting and reconnecting with a most inspiring community here in NYC.
sending mini malas on their way

sending mini malas on their way

Now it’s you’re turn. Write it down. Leave space for this list grow. Let it be ongoing as you remember all you have accomplished and experienced this past year. Start from the beginning, let it be jumbled, circle back to whatever seems important.

If you want to take it a step further and think about what is next, I highly recommend this free workbook from Alexandra Franzen, who rocks my world with everything she shares and writes.

Then get ready to receive – (here is a mini meditation I made for you + the new year)

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Leverage New Year’s Goals

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There are many different ages and stages of our life, and sometimes I don’t even realize that one is over until it is already behind me.  Even if I know change is approaching, I still often require some transitional time to acclimate to it.

One thing is for sure: there are 12 months in the year and as the world moves into a new year, the word “resolution” pops up.  Great.  I’m all for positive change and growth.  But what if you could really leverage what it is you want by looking at what was?

looking ahead

Inspired by a virtual winter solstice ritual led by Christine Arlyo, Shilo Sophia, and Amy Ahlers, I took time to acknowledge and notice the past.  I realized that 2013 was full and I am clear to powerfully create intentions for 2014.

Try it!  Think back to January 2013.  How did you start the year?  Who were you with? What did you do?  Travel through the months.  What sticks out?  What creeps in?

Take a moment to note your surprises, successes, and failures of 2013.  Here are a few of mine:


  • Surprise – I’m pregnant!


  • I became a certified holistic health coach and started to build my practice
  • I hosted health & wellness workshops and retreats
  • I met and took class with my yoga crushes: Kathryn Budig, Tiffany Cruikshank, and Elena Brower
  • I became a beauty ecologist for Pangea Organics


  • I never went to Italy or re-learned Italian
  • I didn’t have a successful launch of online program that I created
  • I didn’t teach yoga in the capacity that I wanted to
  • I often felt stuck and unclear in developing my business

Once I realized all the highs and lows and actually celebrated and mourned them accordingly, I felt that I could leave them in 2013 rather than quietly taking them with me into the new year.

Then all this reflection can form into a ball of wisdom.  What did I learn from the bumps?  If you get really quiet and ask your inner wise self (the part that knows it all already) what it would say, what would you hear?

I heard, “You are wildly successful, go ahead and step in.  People listen to you and want to hear more from you.”  Really?, I wonder.  “Really,” I hear.

Thank you for being a part of A Well Fed Body’s first year in existence.  I am so grateful and humbled by all your support and interest in this work.  I am honored to serve you and I look forward to what 2014 has in store.  May you swim in clarity, joy, and vibrancy.

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Bold + Beautiful

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The New Year is a real gift.  A structured part of our lives where we are encouraged to reflect back at what was and look ahead thoughtfully at what could be.  I love it.  A clean slate where we can create what we crave.  A way to start new.  Whether our desired outcomes last the whole year or not… well that is a different story.

I have been slowing down a bit, doing yoga, meditating, reflecting, reading, and journaling – all in the name of getting clear of what I want 2013 to be, how I want to feel, what opportunities I want to find.  I have been thinking about what  essence I want to embody, words came up like: spaciousness, creative, and beautiful.

With that in mind I’d like to offer you this 37 minute vinyasa flow yoga class that you can use to create a clear intention for the days ahead.  Expect to move, build heat, ground down, and open up.  So go ahead and sneak a little practice in today, or schedule it into your days ahead.

[vimeo w=400&h=300]


‘Immerse yourself in the energy of what you desire.’ – Hiro Bogu

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