“It is gratitude that expands my ability to receive beauty in my life.” – Oriah
When I focus on all the wonder in my life I am significantly happier. Life seems easier and sparklier when I write mini gratitude lists or jot down the magic that exists in my days.
Example: I am grateful for morning runs, Luca naps, muesli with chocolate, and quiet mornings. I’m grateful for rain showers, loud booms of thunder, and the picture of a rainbow my brother sent me via What’s App. I’m thankful for unicorn stickers, handmade stamps, fresh lavender, and homemade cookies.
Result: Ahhhhhh……
Sometimes I forget this super simple practice and my life then reflects it.
When I have a clear space to write down highlights from the day life gets even sweeter.
Find a place where you can keep a growing list of all things that are awesome. Moleskines rock. I love my gratitude journal. And I’m starting a magic log in a mini-notebook.
Start with the basics. Let it ramble. Let the words tumble out.
Write in the morning. Write at the end of the day. Find a time and just write anyway.