Final Pop Up

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Eight months ago I was in a tricky transition. We moved back to Brooklyn after living in Germany for six months, and I had trouble figuring out how to navigate motherhood, my own passions, and everything else that is required in city living.

Overwhelmed with the seemingly many directions I could go in, paired with the responsibility of being a full time mom – plus the desire to make something, I didn’t know how to direct my energy. Until I began these Pop Up Yoga Classes in motion, which became both a sacred pause and my anchor.


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Each class has been incredibly unique. We have gathered in a sweet little studio in Brooklyn, in an expansive space in Chelsea, NYC, and have even had one virtual celebration on the internet. They have ended with chocolate, red roses, prayer arrows, and conversation. They have been an incredible vessel of shared magic while celebrating the  moon.

This month will mark the final Pop Up in NYC, as we are about to embark on yet another big transition as we pack up and move to Lancaster, PA in a month or so – which is a whole other story, filled with many, many emotions that I will save for another time!

So join me for this next Pop Up that will be bursting with magic:  This Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:15 pm @ The Yoga Collective // 135 West 29th St. // $20 // RSVP here. 

This final class will be a celebration of desire, of possibility, and of the unknown. It will be a chance to rejuvenate and connect to your higher self – while stepping out of your mind and into your body. You will get to create the space to receive a lovely collection of blessings that are just waiting to tumble down upon you.

Hope to see you there – or somewhere – before we leave Brooklyn and call Lancaster home. 

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The Point

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Becoming still is why I move.

Savasana is why I vinyasa.


If there aren’t moments of pause tucked within, around, and beside the movement – it becomes tricky to soak in the gifts. I become too wrapped up to see the sparkle shining right in front of me.

Stillness allows our bodies to absorb blessings.

Stillness allows for reflection, which gives way to meaning.

Savasana is the point of all the shapes in yoga. They prep us to simply lie on our backs and receive: our breath, our worth, our light, our impact we have both on ourselves and in this world.

Pause and breathe, so you can receive.


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Magic in the Pause

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Honored that this passage below is featured on the Prema Yoga website – highlighting the focus of the month: Stillness + Savasana.


Magic happens within the moments of stillness and the surrender of savasana. Something deceivingly simple as doing nothing, is tremendously rewarding – but can be difficult to practice.

It’s when I’m the busiest that I need to pause the most, yet it is in those times where it feels highly impossible. I become tricked into believing that I have no time for any space in my day to be quiet – to connect to my breath, drop into a down dog, journal, or meditate.


So I fill whatever space I have with as much as I can cram in – even though it feels so good to empty. I remind myself over and over, there is tremendous power in stillness – in lying down with palms facing upward absorbing and receiving.

In asking. In doing less. In playing more.

And when I forget, which I almost always do – I close my eyes and return to the breath so I can let the mind settle – and get quiet until I feel good again.


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Full Moon Recap : Prayer Arrows

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This past Pop Up Full Moon Yoga class concluded with a  craft. Inspired by Ruby Warrington and this post she wrote on The Numinous – we finished our calming moon salutations and started making prayer arrows.


After savasana we transitioned into writing a note of gratitude on a piece of brown tissue paper, and then scribed a prayer, a wish, or an intention for ourselves, someone else, or this world. We chose a branch (that was sourced locally from Prospect Park :) ) and wrapped the note around the twig, secured it with washi tape and colorful thread, and then added feathers, flowers, and fresh rosemary as adornments. 

The best part was seeing how incredibly unique and gorgeous everyone made their own arrows. Now they exist as a way to shoot the prayer or wish out into this world. A lovely symbol + gift.

You can make your own prayer arrow anytime you’d like to send a conscious thought into the universe. Of course I’d LOVE to see what you create.

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What Are You Ready To Create?

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“Creativity comes from stillness. At the moment between the inhale and exhale of breath, you are between formless and form. In that moment of stillness you can create.” -Yogi Bhajan 

What are you ready to create?

I ask this question often since the answer is constantly evolving. 

Right now I am ready to create trust in myself and believe in my worth. I am ready to unapologetically share my mini malas. I am ready to create magical yoga classes that celebrate something bigger than just the poses. I’m ready to create more time to play with Luca and less time multitasking. I’m ready to create juicy gatherings with amazing food.



What are you ready to create?

Here are some ideas to help you get clear:

  • Free write. This is so healing! Just get a piece of paper, write the question at the top, write without judgment, and see what comes up.
  • Listen to this meditation and find a moment of stillness to let your answers crystallize for you.
  • Create a custom mini mala to represent what it is you are ready to call into your life. Or find one that you love here. 
  • Start reading a new book that fills you up.

It may take some time to fully create what you are wanting most, so be sure to trust wildly in the meantime.

I will be doing my best to take my own advice.

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