A Reminder

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It’s all an illusion.

What you see is not necessarily how it really appears.

How it appears is not necessarily real…

You have to choose to see the flowers.

You have to choose to feel.

Take the time to :



Check In,

And Receive,

And most importantly BREATHE.

When I catch myself questioning my worth + my value. I will celebrate that I caught myself and remember that what I’m thinking is most likely false.

I do my best to stay connected, over and over again.

Trusting wildly.

Knowing I am more than worth it, and my gifts (and yours) are NEEDING to be shared to heal yourself and this world.

And if you forget this little fact (which you most likely will), just remind yourself until you remember your greatness again.

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A Note to Me

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Before it passes – stop and look – because it just might not be there tomorrow.


I know you’re busy. You have big dreams, schemes, and a baby to keep track of – but whenever you can – stop and look. Notice the incredible beauty of life RIGHT NOW. I know you might not have all you yearn for (yet). But you DO have exactly what you dreamed of (and more) 1, 3, 10 years ago. So before you bound off to the next thing, project, email, playdate… savor whatever – whenever. And you will find yourself exactly where you need to be – here.

If you want to meditate about it all, here is a mini meditation I made for you when winter was turning to spring.

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”  ― C.S. Lewis

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A Present for You: Presence

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“Be present.  Stay in the moment.  Experience the now.”

How many times have you heard this message?  It is shared frequently, and as easy as it is to understand, it can be quite difficult to practice.

With this new move to Germany, I have been spending a lot of time looking both backwards and forwards, sometimes at the same time (my brain is so talented!).  But this way of being causes a whole lot of stress and anxiety.  I have to remind myself to slow down and tune into what is happening right now, since it is the only moment I have.

Ex: “Oh look how beautiful that magnolia tree is,” rather than, “Am I going to make any friends?  How will I meet people in this new city?”


Here is what I have found to help me stay present: First, I catch myself when my mind is rattling in all different directions.  Then, pause and breathe and celebrate that I caught my mile-a-minute mind, even if only for a moment, since it is a very challenging feat.  Then: practice, practice, practice, because it is a continuous evolution.

The payoff is huge because when you are in the moment you can experience a whole lot of JOY and EASE.

I’m super excited to offer some guidance to nurture this practice, and since a brief moment of conscious breathing can have an incredible impact on your day I’ve made a mini meditation for you!

Click here for the soundbite, and let the presence you create infuse and inform your day.

*  *  *  *  *

Looking forward to sharing more mindful moments together, and I hope you enjoy this first soundbite.

Love and inhales & exhales,


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I am in the thick of family time and I am loving it, but I am very aware of old patterns that begin to show up.  All of a sudden I turn into a 16 year old with a messy room, bouncy energy, and little focus.  It is this weird transformation, and I don’t like it.  I feel ungrounded, uncentered, and not in control of my energy.  So the first step to change anything is to notice it, and once I did I started changing some of my actions.


I cleaned up my room, I made time for my yoga and meditation, I went to the grocery store, and I asked what I can do to help?  These mindful choices led to a shift, I felt grounded and more like the 27 year old that I am.  (Ah, I am 27!) I am honoring my family and the roles that are constantly changing in big & small ways, helping to keep harmony & happiness on all fronts.  I am getting outside, breathing, journaling, & planning to do some yoga – so I can be present and open to more family interactions tomorrow.


I’m looking forward to taking this class on Yogaglo tomorrow, led by the wonderful Kathryn Budig, and fully enjoying everything tomorrow has to offer.  Merry Christmas all.

Thankfully yoga continues to be there for me as I create new patterns and ways of being, and for concrete information about why yoga is so great : this article spells it all out.


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