Spiritual Toolbox : The Great Work of Your Life

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“… we cannot achieve greatness unless we lose all interest in being great. For our own idea of greatness is illusory, and if we pay too much attention to it we will be lured out of the peace and stability of the being God gave us, and seek to live in a myth we have created for ourselves. It is, therefore, a very great thing to be little, which is to say: to be ourselves. And when we are truly ourselves we lose most of the futile self- consciousness that keeps us constantly comparing ourselves with others in order to see how big we are.”  – Thomas Merton


The quote above came from a wonderful book : The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope. It looks at the lives of great masters and ordinary people to see what it took for them to listen to, and follow what felt to be their true calling.

Reading about other people’s journeys reminded me the individual’s purpose is so unique, and shouldn’t be discounted if it seems too “small” or not making a big enough impact. The nurse, the teacher, the friend, the artist, the mother, the assistant, whatever it may be… is incredibly important and a sacred role to fill, especially when it is aligned with your heart and your life’s work.

It’s worth exploring.

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Purposeful Play

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“If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.” – Win Borden


Upon leaving teaching dance full time to be a mom and explore my other passions, like teaching yoga and making malas – I spent a lot of time playing. A lot of time tinkering, experimenting, journaling, asking questions and figuring things out – as I continue to do.

Things have evolved. I didn’t start with it all figured out, and I certainly still don’t have it all figured out now. My first blog post looked like this. One of my first mini malas looked like this. My first days as a mom looked like this. My workspace once looked like this

Beginning was the best thing I could have done. Figuring it out along the way with a sense of play + curiosity created motion and lightness informing where I am now.

There is tremendous freedom in doing what lights you up. In giving yourself permission to do what you love, because that is your unique gift you have to offer this world. So go ahead and begin. PLAY. Let it be MESSY + confusing and I’m sure you will come out with something beautiful on the other end. And of course, I’d LOVE to hear what you create. I’ll be making a mess right alongside you. :)

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Heart’s Longing

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“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.” – Oriah


I deeply believe in finding work that is fulfills your soul, and then taking the leap to actually go and do it. I have spent a lot of time figuring out what I am pulled to do and slowly have begun making it real.

Once I became a mom my priorities shifted. I wanted to have time with Luca and space to do things that really make me happy.  I resigned from my job teaching dance and put my health coaching practice to the side to focus on what really lights me up: making things + teaching yoga.


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So that’s what I’m doing while Luca naps, when I have some help, or after we put him to bed. I feel so grateful to have finally located this sweet spot, and I have no doubt it will shift and change as I do the same. But it is extremely satisfying knowing I’m on the right path for right now.

It was scary to begin, to claim what I wanted, to change my mind again. And it required faith, support, and a lot of journaling and trusting through the doubts.

If you find that you are asking yourself some of these questions and are want to feel completely aligned with what your heart wants and what you are actually doing – here are some women and resources that really helped me along the way:


  • Jeanne Grabowski : I worked with Jeanne for 9 months and she really helped me figure out how to be true to myself and to do what it is I was put on this earth to do.
  • Caitlin Fitzgordon : I ran into Caitlin, my former birth teacher, during a tumultuous transition back to NYC. Working with her helped me navigate the challenge of motherhood and growing a business while creating supportive container to find clarity and confidence in my work.
  • Danielle Van de Kemenade : I met Danielle while living in Frankfurt, and she simply ROCKS. She creates useful experiences (virtual or in person) to help people find their ‘heart work’. I love reading her blog, and taking her e-courses. She has a new one coming up : A Year of Heart Work – which is not to be missed if you are wanting a work / life that is exciting and meaningful.
  • Braid Creative : I love reading their posts and gathering up any wisdom I can from these creative ladies. I took a Personal Branding e-course which was super insightful and have been enjoying their new podcast : Being Boss.

I am forever grateful for these examples and the incredibly rich content they put into this world to help keep me on track.  And this little guy also helps.



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So what do you want? Give yourself the time and space to ask, then get quiet enough to listen, and be bold enough to trust.

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