This recipe from Wellness Mama guided me to make the most delicious little chocolates. The only problem is they are REALLY good at disappearing… like I made them on Tuesday and they are practically all gone. Oops.
This recipe is simple and waaaay better than any processed halloween candy you may or may not have lying around the house. So throw that out – and make this instead, or just get yourself some good quality chocolate.
Here’s what you need:
1 cup of cocoa butter
1 cup of cacao powder
1/4 cup – 1/2 cup of coconut sugar (or your sweeter of choice)
1 t vanilla
optional: sea salt + peanut butter !! These make them rock extra hard!
some kind of mold (I used a rubber ice-cube tray and this chocolate mold – I suppose you could also make a bark in a sheet pan too)
Here’s what you do:
Melt the cup of cacao butter in a double boiler. Once it is melted, take off heat and mix in cacao powder + vanilla + sugar. Mix, mix, mix. Taste – and adjust as needed.
Get a cookie sheet and line with parchment paper – place molds on top. Pour liquid chocolate into molds. If you want to add peanut butter – fill mold with a bit of chocolate, then add some peanut butter and cover it up with chocolate. Add a sprinkle of good quality sea salt to the tops and let rest to harden. You can transfer to fridge – or let sit until it’s ready.
I put mine in a tupperware in the fridge… so they’d keep well and they would kind of be out of sight out of mind… that only kind of worked.
Let me know how it goes if you try it!