I’d rather give than receive, and forget about asking – it makes me super uncomfortable. I’d rather just do it all myself, regardless if it is practical or not. So I do it all until I can’t anymore and end up remedying the situation with a chocolate bar & cookies.
Since being pregnant – I’m offered seats on the subway and my immediate response has been: thank you, but that’s OK – i’m fine standing. I wasn’t really fine, but I just didn’t want anyone to give up something they had in order for me to have it. Eventually I started to graciously accept these offers thinking – if they really didn’t want to give their seat to me, they wouldn’t have offered.
It’s all a choice. To give, to receive, and to ask. Even if one is easier than the other.

Asking – now this is a huge hang up. I believe I should be able to do it all by myself, like superwoman, so when I can’t, or I fall short – I let that determine my self-worth. In my mind – asking for help = weakness, so I muster up every bit I have to trudge through the task ahead. That is until I can’t anymore and eat an entire bag of potato chips.
See a trend here?

With the holiday season upon us, there is a whole lot of parties, shopping, cooking, socializing, and decorating going on. A lot of us givers end up over giving and meltdowns can be plentiful – all of a sudden we are on empty but still have 50 miles to go.
Instead of constantly giving. What would happen if we received? If we asked for support? If we politely said no? If we did less? If we under-committed instead of overcommitted? Imagine the space & ease that would provide.
These are questions I’m asking myself, and trusting they will guide me into a magical, miracle filled last month of the year. May they do the same for you.