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A constant thread of my writing is taking time to craft your intentions – to enjoy rituals that connect to yourself so you can ultimately create the life that you wish to live. The one where you feel fully expressed and are able to be the truest form of yourself – which is what I am continuously working on.

It can be helpful to look back before you glance ahead. Celebrate all that was, forgive all that wasn’t so you can forge ahead clearly. Here is a little ritual to consciously transition from one year to the next.


Get out your journal, or your favorite colored pieces of paper, make them beautiful, or burn them when you are complete… Make it your own – but sit with each guideline.

#1. Record what happened in 2015.

What was it filled up with? Little moments, big moments, keep an ongoing list to mark the happenings of this year. Nothing too big or small. Go through your memory month by month.

EX: I started hosting pop up yoga classes // Luca turned 1! // Spent time visiting Oma & Opa // We moved // I turned 30 // Spent lots of time in coffee shops // Hosted 2 mala making workshops // etc…

#2. Record what didn’t happen in 2015, that perhaps you wished would have.

Where there any goals you wanted to reach? Ideas you had but were never were truly born? Trips or classes you never took…?

EX: I never made a Charm & Magic signature kit that I brainstormed a lot about // I never learned Italian… or took an art class // I didn’t make as much money as I would have liked // etc…

#3. Honor both lists.

Really, look at all existed in this year – so many successes, surprises, little moments, perhaps some that were planned or some that were better than you could have ever planned. Reflect on the fullness + abundance in you all created and soak it in.

Then FORGIVE all that didn’t happen. All the plans + ideas you set out with this new year to complete. This might take extra journaling, or burning, or dancing … but you must forgive so you can release.

#4. Now make some wishes.

Some heartfelt ones. This might take a moment of silence before you begin, or asking your guides above. Leave your mind out of it + all the “shoulds” rest on the side. Instead invite your heart to to the talking. Write and see what pours out. How do you want to feel? How do you want to spend your days? What would be so magnificent? What if you allowed _______ to be possible… See what pours out.

EX: I wish to expand. I wish to step fully into my offerings. I wish to feel like a divine goddess – confident + creative. I wish for trust + compassion to envelope my days, along with naps, snuggles, belly laughs and consistent time to reflect on the charm & magic that exists in my life. 


Now you have a wish to guide you into the new year. You can keep it present as you navigate the days of 2016 and refer to it often, or rip it up and release it into the future. You decide. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds for you. :)

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Bless This House

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A loving ritual to practice whenever – whether you just moved in, came back from vacation, swept the floors, are expecting a visitor, or are simply desiring a change or clarity in your home experiences. Try this out. Could be especially fun to do on the night of a full moon (coming up August 29th) or as the seasons change.

One of the first things we did in our new house was a little blessing ceremony. Before the movers came, I set up a makeshift altar, gathered some sage, and wrangled my two boys (husband + son) and we went into each and every room.


With the sage lit and wafting, and Aaron commenting on how it stinks and I should put it out (I didn’t …) we traveled to each and every room. When we entered I said Bless this (Living)Room, May it be… And we said whatever words / experiences came to mind in that moment.

“Bless this kitchen, may it be filled with delicious meals, good conversations, and JOY.

Bless this closet, may it hold our jackets + items snugly.” And so on…

We went briskly with the sage + a prayer of what we’d like to experience in each room.

Such a sweet practice – infusing regular life with pockets of mindful rituals. I’ve already forgotten what we wished for in each room, but somehow I know we have already started to experience it, and for that I am so grateful.

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Make Your Space Magical

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When we first moved into our apartment I went through each room of our apartment with dried sage to clear the energy.  Now I am starting to cleanse and clear the air on a regular basis.


I read this amazing post by Gala Darling and was inspired to make my own energy clearing room spray. I used an old Pangea spritz bottle, covered it in washi tape (of course), and added water + drops of lavender and tea tree oil + a splash of vodka and voila! It’s nice as it lightens the smell of the burnt sage and can be used as a quick spritz whenever you need to ‘clear the air’.

So go ahead and get your potions, candles, and dried herbs out – or whatever you need to make your space and your life super charged and super magical.

P.S. If you’d like some more ideas on home rituals… This post by Clementine Daily is great.

What rituals do you have  –  or would like to have in your sacred space?



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Petals & Berries: Full Moon Magic

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I’ve felt a strong connection to the moon ever since I went into labor on the night of a full moon.  I have been paying attention to its phases and (thanks to this post by Gala Darling) I have been creating my own full moon ceremonies.  Gala totally demystified the whole idea of a ceremony – it can be anything you want it to be with just a bit of extra attention and intention.  I follow her cues and add a little touch of my own and here is what I do:

  • light a candle
  • take a few mindful breaths
  • chant or say a mantra
  • write a gushing gratitude list
  • pull a card from this deck
  • write down something that I want to let go of and then rip the paper up into many, many pieces

I end with a wish.  Raw chocolate always follows.

I’ve done it solo, and last month I made my husband and in-laws participate (they didn’t really have much of a choice, but I think they liked it).  This month I think I’ll incorporate these petals and berries in some way, because why not?


I’m certainly no expert about the moon, but my very wise friend, Alaina, said it best – the moon has such a big effect on water and we are made of mostly water, so how can we NOT be affected?

Take a look at Gala’s detailed post on how you can make your own magic on the full moon (which is Saturday, July 12th) and let me know what you come up with!

P.S. The picture above was inspired by the amazing work of Phillipa Stanton – who is worth adding to your Instagram feed @5ftinf.

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Lemon Water Power

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One of the best things you can do for yourself when you first wake up is drink your H2O.  Since you haven’t had any water for over 8 hours your body will be thanking you when you fill it up with the good stuff.  So go ahead and pour yourself a nice tall glass and drink up.

Another fantastic thing you can do  is squeeze some lemon into your cup and sip on some lemon water.

Lemons & Lilacs

Lemons & Lilacs

Lemon is super alkalizing, meaning it brings the internal state, or ph level of your body towards alkaline if it is lurking in the acidic end.  Your PH level is largely a result of your diet, and if you have been indulging on a cappuccino & sugary treat, followed by some meat and cheese – it may be more acidic than you would like.  An acidic environment is void of oxygen, and disease, sickness, and colds thrives where there is little oxygen.  So eat your plants, and get your lemon water on.

Lemon water also gets everything moving inside and wakes up your digestive fire.  And that my friends is a very wonderful thing.

So go get some lemons, leave a cup of water by your bedside, whatever you need to do – to make sure you are hydrated right away.  And you may notice yourself craving less throughout the day.

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