Discredit & Devalue

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Could be my middle name most of the time.

I realized a pattern that was hiding very sneakily, it was so engrained I barely even noticed I was functioning from this mindset in many areas of my life.  The habit of discrediting & devaluing everything I have done and am currently doing.  This showed up particularly powerfully whenever I had to share my story.  I never thought my journey was good or interesting enough.  So I always shared what I thought wanted to be heard.  This made writing bios extremely difficult!

I didn’t see my past as valuable events that  have actually lead me to where I am today – instead I saw a bunch of lacking happenings – all haphazardly bringing me now.

When I got clear that actually my college experience was extremely valuable (even if I didn’t go to a prestigious, well known school) and I have actually been teaching yoga for 5 years, even if I didn’t have my certification for the first 3 years.  I could go on, but this awareness grants me the ability to switch these limiting beliefs when they come creeping in (which they will most certainly do.)you get to create your reality

you get to create your reality

Thanks to a wonderful reminder at my yoga training this weekend I realized the lens at which I look through my life greatly informs my current reality.

If you are intrigued about shifting patterns and habits you no longer love when it comes to your food & your thoughts, which ultimately lead to your actions.  I’d like to invite you to a juicy tele course I am offering that will uncover the best ways in which we can choose to GROW so we can GLOW.

Nourish You – Tuesday, May 21st.

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Wrapping it up with ways to take care of yourself with our final thought…

Thought #5 – Rest

This is one I can definitely work on, and add more to my life.  Like schedule it in with pen.  Prioritize rest.  Because without rest – creativity is bleak, giving is forced, and one can become a slave to the thoughts that arise.

I like to pile things up, I like to be busy, I like to always be on the go.  It is kind of like my default setting.  I feel useful this way, but I also get burnt out, agitated, and exhausted if I don’t have enough rest sprinkled into the busy and hectic days.  I’m ready for that to change.

photo-38Naps used to occur more frequently, but these days it seems the only way that happens is if I get a seat on the subway (which is becoming quite rare).  Sometimes I drop into legs up the wall in the middle of the day, and watch really bad TV shows which is REALLY nourishing in a guilty pleasure kind of way.  The important thing is I end up feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever is next.

Luckily I have a two week break effective immediately!  I will be using it to hit the mountain with my man and see my dear, dear friend in Mexico City.  Thrilled for this scheduled break.  I welcome it with open and slightly fatigued arms.  Excited to see what ideas and perspective arrives in the spacious days ahead.

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Love What You Eat

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Finding yet another way to envelope yourself with self-love… I bring you to –

Thought #4 – Leverage your food

Every time we eat we have the option to nourish ourselves on the cellular level.   Find the foods you love and that love you back.  Discover the foods that give you energy, rather than deplete your energy in order to digest, find the foods that leave you feeling clear and light rather than foggy and slow.  When we look at our meals as a way to show ourselves that we matter and are worth a delicious bowl of field greens.  The other stuff looks less appealing.  We can begin to realize that maybe potato chips and cookies (or insert your vice here) – may feel good temporarily – but it is fleeting, and often leaves you feeling worse.


Start with breakfast, or even a glass of water before your breakfast & find that connection of what you are eating has the potential to create the most vibrant version of yourself.

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Dear Luscious Leah,

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Riding this Self-Love Train all the way to

Thought #3 – connecting to your inner wise self.  To that internal knowing & that full acceptance.  I took some advice from SARK or Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, and wrote a letter to myself from my inner wise self.  That part that loves it all and truly understands everything is just right.  The part that loves the version of your life that exists NOW instead of the one that you are anxiously awaiting or planning for.

Pen to paper this is what came out:

Dear Luscious Leah,

I simply adore you for all that you are and all that you want to be (and yet actually already are). I love the ways you are finding to nourish yourself and your commitment to health & wellness.  I love your round, soft, sometimes ‘too fat’ belly – it is just perfect and stands for all the things you are.  I love how you constantly reflect on your life and find ways to improve and grow.  Just remember all the amazing things you are already up to.  I know you like to discredit.  So you can stop that.  Live up today as you do every day: Free, lit up, connected, and radiant.  Your beauty shines through every surface of your being and everyone feels that.  Thank you for being exactly who you are on this very special day.


Your inner wise self


Try it out, see what comes out.. it is really grounding & almost healing.  Now, do I love my round, soft, and sometimes ‘too fat’ belly every day?  Certainly not! But I am working on it – day by day.

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What I’m Digging These Days…

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Self LOVE! I know, I know, I know.. Really?


It is so powerful to nourish yourself, by finding ways to fill yourself up so you can then give fully and completely to others.  So useful.  I am discovering & exploring different practices that feed my body, mind, and soul and I am now coming into a deep appreciation for everything I am – belly and all.

It is such an art to love our entire being.  It is a practice.  Some days are of course better than others.  Everyone has something they wish they didn’t have: flabby arms, short temper, sticky past, wrinkles – I mean let’s be honest… this list can go on and on.  But when we spend this time and energy resenting these things about ourselves, we clench, hold, tighten, and become more of what we aren’t loving.  What we resist persists.  Embrace it all.

photo-9So…what can we do to honor all parts of ourselves?  How can we ’embrace it all?’  Doing small things.  Small acts of love.  You will soon realize how taking small steps lead can lead to a big change.

Join me this week as I share some of things I do to love my whole kit and caboodle.  They are quick and easy.  Most take less than 5 minutes and have a lasting impact.

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