The Point

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Becoming still is why I move.

Savasana is why I vinyasa.


If there aren’t moments of pause tucked within, around, and beside the movement – it becomes tricky to soak in the gifts. I become too wrapped up to see the sparkle shining right in front of me.

Stillness allows our bodies to absorb blessings.

Stillness allows for reflection, which gives way to meaning.

Savasana is the point of all the shapes in yoga. They prep us to simply lie on our backs and receive: our breath, our worth, our light, our impact we have both on ourselves and in this world.

Pause and breathe, so you can receive.


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Magic in the Pause

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Honored that this passage below isĀ featuredĀ on the Prema Yoga website – highlighting the focus of the month: Stillness + Savasana.


Magic happens within the moments of stillness and the surrender of savasana. Something deceivingly simple as doing nothing, is tremendously rewarding – but can be difficult to practice.

It’s when I’m the busiest that I need to pause the most, yet it is in those times where it feels highly impossible. I become tricked into believing that I have no time for any space in my day to be quiet – to connect to my breath, drop into a down dog, journal, or meditate.


So I fill whatever space I have with as much as I can cram in – even though it feels so good to empty. I remind myself over and over, there is tremendous power in stillness – in lying down with palms facing upward absorbing and receiving.

In asking. In doing less. In playing more.

And when I forget, which I almost always do – I close my eyes and return to the breath so I can let the mind settle – and get quiet until I feel good again.


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