The Sugary Low Down

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I think I was trying to beat the system.  I wanted to find a healthy sugar alternative that wouldn’t make me feel bad about eating 5 chocolate chip cookies made with sucanat instead of refined white sugar.  But as Dr. Frank Lipman says in this article, “There’s no such thing as a “healthy” sugar. Sugar is sugar, whether it’s “organic,” or “unrefined,” or “all-natural,” or “raw,” or agave syrup.”

Aw man.  OK, I will work on accepting that, but I probably will still eat chocolate chip cookies made with sucanat instead of white sugar or brown sugar and purchase less processed sugars like:


Sucanat: stands for SUgar CAne NATural… who would have known?  It is dried sugar cane.  The sugar cane juice is heated and then cooled which forms crystals.  This process keeps the molasses intact which has the trace vitamins and minerals.

When I initially set out on this research project, I imagined a beautiful presentation of everything you need to know about a variety of sugars.  As the universe would have it, what I imagined creating just entered the world wide web.  So I am going to stop here and share this super awesome resource on everything you need to know about sugar.  It is a must read.  Seriously!

Thank you Jeanne for sending this my way.


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Brown Sugar

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I am continuing my detective work on how different types of sugars are made and if there is one better than the rest. Here is what I discovered with refined white sugar.  Now for –

Brown Sugar:

A little part of me always thought I was doing myself a favor baking with brown sugar rather than white.  I’m not alone, this NY Times article echoes that same sentiment.  But in reality brown sugar is pretty much just white sugar mixed with molasses.

Molasses is a by product of the sugar cane juice, and has vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A.  I was excited when I read that, until I realized it is really just a smidge of nutritents in the grand scheme of things.

This is no real surprise.  Sugar isn’t kale.  But now I know how it is processed, and I’m most interested finding out how my food is made.


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Sugar Blues

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I can’t lie.  I live for dessert.  As a kid I used to eat my dinner just so I could have dessert.  For my school lunch – I would have a bite of my sandwich and then buy and devour a packaged, processed, fudgy brownie.  My sweet tooth can be all consuming at times.  I have trouble having just one little piece of chocolate.  So after a while, (especially if it is a stressful day, or if I am lonely) the bar of chocolate has disappeared, almost like magic.  I don’t compute that I actually devoured the entire bar. I am just ready for more.  It is a devilish cycle that can have such an intense hold on me.

sugarThrough my studies at Institute for Integrative Nutrition I am getting to the root of why, and now have the power to make empowered choices.  This rich information I have learned is like my superpower I can use to combat these strong cravings that appear.  And of course, like anything – it is a practice.  A continuous one.  There are awesome days -where I feel so proud and in control, and then there are days where I am appalled and disgusted by the amount of sugar I consumed in various forms.

cut-your-sugarI am excited to be taking my relationship with sugar to the next level and hope you will join me.  I’m tired feeling like a slave to chocolate & sweets.  I will be leading a free ‘Sugar Blues’ tele-class that will uncover and recover your relationship to sugar.  You will become empowered and informed about the effects of sugar & you will leave with tools to use when your next sugar craving creeps up.  You will learn, sugar is not the problem – it is the solution.


Wednesday, February 13th – 8:00pm – 8:45pm EST 

Email to reserve your spot and get the details about how to join the call.

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