A Gift For You

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August is my favorite month. It is the month I was born, my husband was born, the month of our wedding anniversary, and the last month before school begins again – many things to celebrate. In honor of this month I am celebrating by offering my tele-course,  Nourish You, for free. My gift to you.


I designed this course as a tool to take a look at our lives from a 360 degree view. It is filled with meaningful information on how to make empowered and healthy choices with your food, thoughts, and actions – ultimately leading to an energized and informed way of living.

The Details:

There will be a live conference call from 8:00 pm-9:00 pm EST on

Tuesday, August 6th

Tuesday, August 13th

Tuesday, August 20th &

Tuesday, August 27th.

If you can’t make the call live, you will be given the recording, so you can listen at your convenience.

What you need to do:

Email awellfedbody@gmail.com and I will send you follow up information on how to access the calls and recordings. I am really excited to be offering this course again, it is rich in content and there is something for everyone.

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The Contest of Life

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I realized a pattern.  Two awesome contests appeared encouraging particpants to create content and enter to win the prize.  My immediate reaction was… ‘yeah that is cool – but I’ll never win so I’m not even going to bother’. Really?  Well at first it made perfectly good sense until I started hearing that line twice.  I was giving myself this underlying message, you don’t really matter, so just take a seat and stay quiet.  Ha!  Well I decided to show myself and start acting like I mattered – because I certainly do. So I got to work – I made a video for a contest hosted by my school – Institute of Integrative Nutrition that shared my process of getting to where I am now.  The quality isn’t great – but I am proud of the content that flowed out of my mouth.  You can take a blurry look here.  Then I entered a contest hosted by Kathryn Budig – challenging participants to replicate this picture and share what yoga means to them. kb Again first thought – cool – but I’m not that creative and I will just be wasting my time.  But then I acted like I was worth it.

And there you go.  Am I attached to win? No.  But I am thrilled I took a few minutes from my day to show myself that I rock – even though some of the first thoughts that come into my brain might tell me otherwise.  The beauty is I get to choose.

Do these same limiting beliefs keep you safe & quiet?  I’d love to hear.

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Deep Sea of Thoughts

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“Thoughts aren’t personal. They just appear, like raindrops – would you argue with a raindrop? Bryon Katie

The depths of February really had a hold on me! I have been feeling stuck, stagnate, and low these past few weeks. Being really hard on myself, moving from a place of total lack, feeling completely overwhelmed & helpless. Unable to shift. As days turned into weeks I became more and more frustrated with myself about my state of being. Which just added to the whole heavy feeling.

Then I came across a thought I wrote in my journal that Gabrielle Bernstein shared:

Forgive your thoughts

Epic – I was reminded that I can forgive the thoughts I experience, and let them go without judging them, and wishing / wanting to make them different from what they are. Once I started practicing this, it freed me up.


Now when the unpleasantness creeps in – I am practicing acceptance, awareness, and then breathing into what comes next. Obviously it works sometimes better than others, but just that presence to my reaction is really powerful. Plus, it I can feel spring around the corner – and that light at the end of the tunnel is just what my being needs.

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