Happy Summer! ‘Tis the season for sunshine, barbecues, watermelon, and travel. Summer is one my favorite times of the year, but as I include more time away from home and out of my routine, I find it more challenging to keep my seat on the health train. Not that you need to be super rigid since your routines won’t be exactly the same given whatever new environment you may be in, but I have found a few things that I pack in my suitcase, to make my travel time a bit more comfortable and consistent.
I just recently spent a few days in Minneapolis and this is what the counter in my hotel looked like: seaweed snacks, homemade granola, lemons, green powder, coconut oil, (not pictured) super good quality dark chocolate – making it less likely to reach for a snickers when I am overrun by my sweet tooth, and vitamins in a zip-loc bag.
These treats helped me to stay on track. Here’s what it comes down to:
1. Keep and honor your routines as best as possible
My morning routines keep me super grounded and present to my health when I’m home, so why toss them when I’m away? Just as I wouldn’t stop brushing my teeth when I’m away from home, I keep the rest of my routines intact. Even if that means bringing a little jar of coconut oil so I can do my oil pulling, my tongue scraper, and actual lemons so I can make lemon water before I head out the door. So be it.
2. Be prepared – have some healthy snacks available
When I have some tasty and healthy treats on hand, I am less likely to hit up whatever vending machine is there. Or wait until I am so ravenous that I consume an entire bag of potato chips (like I may have done the other day :) ! ). In this day and age, health is very much related to being prepared and proactive. So you aren’t left reaching and reacting.
3. Schedule in time and room in your suitcase
Just as you have to pack your clothes, accessories, and toiletries, factor in what you need for your health too. A little extra thought and planning goes a long way. Sure they may question you through airport security – but trust me it’s all worth it.
With that – I do have to admit… I certainly veered off track during my travels, but I don’t think it was as far off as I could have gone if I didn’t have certain things in place. It’s all a process and you can learn from what worked and what didn’t instead of beating yourself up and try again the next time. Ahh…
Would love to hear about any tips and tricks you have when you pack up the bags and head out for an adventure.