I am doing a juice cleanse tomorrow, for just one day… taking it slow. I love food too much. I never thought I would drink only juice between my waking and sleeping hours. I figured if you have a healthy diet, that should be good enough. And I still believe that, but I am realizing there is always another level of health for me to explore. Something shifted, so I must be ready and in the right place to have 6 juices to sustain me throughout my Monday. I’m a little concerned about my energy level, so I will be munching on carrots & apples if the juice isn’t enough.
After being a part of a month long detox tele-class I began to understand the vast benefits of giving your digestive system a rest so your body can clear up the gunk and arrive in a balanced state. My intention is to create space in the internal workings of my body so I can enter this holiday season of parties galore grounded and centered. I’ll let you know how it goes.