Moon Board

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The new moon is a great time to ask yourself : what are you ready to create? And so on today’s new moon I created what I’d like to call a moon board. A hybrid of a vision board / mood board / with some free writing – pasted on an old calendar by Nikki McClure. As I arranged the images and colors, it felt like my hidden (and not so hidden) desires were revealed in a visual form. So cool!

So if you feel pulled – take time to plant some seeds with a magical visual. Don’t judge, just make.



Don’t forget you are a creative genius, and sometimes the hardest part is just to begin. Go plant some seeds – and let me know what grows!

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So You Want to Make a Vision Board

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Do it!  They are so fun to make – especially if you don’t worry about getting it right.


Flip through magazines and tear out anything that speaks to you: colors, shapes, letters, or designs  – it doesn’t have to be so linear and exact.  Anything goes here.  It’s yours.

Just begin, and make your mess.

There is something so grounding about working with scissors, glue, and images of things you love.

Oh and if you aren’t in the mood right now to put your vision board together, keep an envelope where you can save images you like so they are there when you are ready.

I can’t wait to see what you make – both on your board and in your life.

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