How to Create an Altar : Part 3

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“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat and be yourself.” – Herman Hesse

Once you’ve found a space, and gathered and arranged beautiful objects – it’s time to use your sacred space.


Here are a few ideas on how you can make the most of your altar:

  • Meditate!! One of the best ways to start the day.
  • Yoga : you can do one down dog or a full 60-90 minute practice. I don’t quite have that time these days, so I squeeze in some cat/cows, down dogs, and general wiggling around to make my body feel good.
  • Practice gratitude : a deceivingly simple yet powerful thing to do. Gets me every time.
  • Read an uplifting passage from a book. I am currently loving everything Pema Chodron, Buddhist nun has to say.
  • Make room for poetry : read or write.
  • Light a candle and set an intention for the day.

Use your altar as a physical reminder to connect to yourself.

I can’t wait to hear what form your altar takes and what you do in its space.  And if you want to get into the whole meditation thing – I am working on a mini meditation bundle for you to enjoy anywhere and anytime! It will be ready soon and you can listen to a sample you here. I can’t wait to share!

Also, this post from Danielle LaPorte gives great instructions on how to energize and activate your sacred objects.

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A Note to Me

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Before it passes – stop and look – because it just might not be there tomorrow.


I know you’re busy. You have big dreams, schemes, and a baby to keep track of – but whenever you can – stop and look. Notice the incredible beauty of life RIGHT NOW. I know you might not have all you yearn for (yet). But you DO have exactly what you dreamed of (and more) 1, 3, 10 years ago. So before you bound off to the next thing, project, email, playdate… savor whatever – whenever. And you will find yourself exactly where you need to be – here.

If you want to meditate about it all, here is a mini meditation I made for you when winter was turning to spring.

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”  ― C.S. Lewis

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5 Things I Do to Stay Upright

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In a city that is zooming and buzzing finding time and space to connect to myself has become so incredibly important. When I practice my daily rituals I am way more grounded and clear.  When I don’t (which, with an 8 month old showers are still a little tricky) I am completely off my center. I end up whittling the day away with no clear focus – other than being a mom of course.


Here are a few things I try to tune into daily:

The trick is to prioritize these even though there are countless other ways I can spend my time. The small investment in these moments really ends up paying off.  I become clear as to how to spend my time and most importantly I end up feeling good.

My mom rides horses. My friend Valerie cooks.  My husband hikes. And my grandma knits – even though she is blind! What do you do to keep yourself plugged in and grounded to yourself?


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Mindful Appetizer

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The New York minute seems like it has been condensed to 10 seconds and I find myself eating on the go while balancing little Luca on my hip – unaware that I’m nourishing my body. This morning I slowed down for breakfast and it felt sooo good.  While I always intend to eat all meals with Yo Yo Ma playing in the background, it often isn’t reality – but just few seconds before eating a granola bar can shift your mindset [and quality of your digestion].


A mini pause will will allow you to be present with your food and feel satisfied + energized. So try something sweet before you eat:

  • take 3 breaths
  • light a candle
  • say grace
  • use beautiful dishes
  • make a toast
  • put devices away

Bonus points for sitting down with your food – away from your desk.

Oh NY – how very fast you move! I’m still marveling at your speed.

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Mini Yoga Flow *15

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I love kundalini meditations.  They help my mind settle while I focus on a mantra or a breath pattern. I’ve been doing this for 11 minutes in the morning – and even though those 11 minutes aren’t entirely disruption free (hello 8 month baby crawling and climbing around and on me), I always leave the mat feeling centered for the day.

Click here for another kundalini meditation, and thank you Kia Miller and for being such an incredible resource.

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