Something that I dreamt about, only shyly admitted to some trusted individuals, and definitely questioned my worth of if I even could… happened!

When I landed back in Brooklyn this fall, I wanted to start teaching yoga. I knew there were a million and one routes to go about that, but I was picky, and I really only wanted to teach at my favorite studio in Brooklyn : Prema Yoga. 


A few hours before our flight to Europe, I went to a teaching audition at Prema. I thought of not even showing up, since everything was so crazy in our rush to leave, I wasn’t feeling well, and I probably wouldn’t be good enough anyway. I was actually pretty positive I wouldn’t make the cut. Luckily I just showed up, taught, and then was offered to teach on a rotating basis!

So now – you can find me (and LOVELY other teachers) teaching on Tuesdays @ 4:30 pm + some other special classes I am hosting. You can see my upcoming schedule here. I’d love nothing more to see you there.

Two lessons : Don’t listen to the crap that runs on in your brain (it’s NOT true!!) and take time to dream. It’s worth it. The tricky thing is that sometimes it doesn’t happen on our predetermined timeline, so you might be tempted to give up and say forget about it. But don’t. Just go ahead and trust wildly. It’s all coming to you. I can’t wait to hear when it arrives!