What you eat is deeply tied into many factors, whether we realize it or not.

For instance for a while I was in the habit of chowing down on whatever I could find after work as an ‘afternoon snack’: cheese + crackers + hummus, cookies, chocolate, trail mix, wine, etc… you name it I ate it under the context and belief of it didn’t count.  I worked so hard during the day so this was my freebie.  But was it really?

I got a new job, became way happier in my work environment and didn’t feel the need or desire to unwind and disconnect through food.

Some evenings when I’m alone or feeling lonely I will devour anything sweet and creamy.  When I am filled with the relationships in my life – one square of dark chocolate will do.

See where I am going?

We all have our patterns and habits with food, and the first thing we can do is become aware of what they are, and if they are actually any good for us.  Join me for a free call, Tuesday, July 9th where we will uncover how our relationships may influence the amount of chocolate we consume, or how our satisfaction at our jobs influence the amount of salads we eat.

Nourish You

A very intricate and layered relationship that informs the choices we make.  Clarify any hang ups and leave the call feeling empowered with steps you can follow to lead you to a healthy and vibrant you.  Email awellfedbody@gmail.com to reserve your spot and receive more information.

Find out how things that you can’t put on your plate influence the quality and quantity of the food you put on your plate.